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Peloton’s Guide to Training for Your First 10K

What you need to know to prepare for (and crush) your first 10K race.

By Jennifer HeimlichFebruary 18, 2025


The 10K might be one of the most underestimated races. New runners often see it as simply a stepping stone between a 5K plan and the longer challenges of half and full marathons. But in reality, it’s twice the distance of the 5K—which is a major jump. Even for advanced runners who can knock out that mileage like it’s nothing, racing a 10K with a time goal in mind requires holding a challenging pace for an uncomfortably long time. 

To pull off a strong 10K, you need to put in some solid work. But what does that look like, exactly? Here’s how to train for a 10K the right way, whether it’ll be your first or fiftieth time crossing that finish line. 

What to Know About Training for a 10K 

First, the basics: That “K” stands for kilometers, and running 10 of them means you’re covering 10,000 meters, or the equivalent of about 6.2 miles. Most 10K training plans call for six to 12 weeks of dedicated training. Exactly how long it takes you to prepare depends on your experience and your goals. If you’re pretty new to running, or if you want to set a new personal record, you’ll need more time to train than a longtime runner who’s just looking to finish comfortably. 

How do you know if you’re ready for this type of training? Well, first and foremost the 10K should feel like an exciting goal. You should also be willing to train at least three days a week. And you should be able to comfortably finish at least three miles before you get started—if that feels like a stretch, take a few extra weeks to build up your base fitness first before diving into structured 10K training.  

Training for a 10K at Every Level

Your fitness level will determine what the focus of your 10K prep looks like. Keep these factors in mind.   

Beginners: Build Up Your Endurance

When 6.2 miles is a new challenge for you, “the goal is to cover the distance comfortably,” Peloton instructor Mayla Wedekind says. That means building endurance first. Mayla recommends training three to four times a week, using a run/walk strategy. That might look like alternating between two minutes of running and two minutes of walking; over time, you might build up to running for five minutes then walking for one. Just don’t get caught up in comparing your pace to other runners—celebrate your own milestones like hitting new mile markers. 

Intermediate Runners: Bring on the Speed

If you’ve got a solid base of running, add some speed work into your training plan, Mayla says. She recommends incorporating both intervals and hill runs to help you pick up the pace on race day, while also dedicating one day to a longer run to build up your endurance. With recovery runs between those harder efforts, that means four to five runs per week.

Advanced Runners: Optimize Performance

Runners with plenty of experience who want to improve their 10K times should follow more intense training with higher mileage—Mayla recommends 25 to 35 miles per week. In addition to speed work and long runs, she suggests adding in strength training that’s designed to make you faster. 

How to Make a 10K Training Strategy

If you want to put in your best performance on race day, just doing a random mish-mash of runs won’t get you there. Follow a dedicated plan like the six-week Road to Your 10K program on the Peloton App, which includes endurance runs, tempo runs, race prep runs, and interval runs. The expert guidance of a well-designed program will help you zero in on exactly the kind of strength and stamina you need for a 10K. 

Choose a Race

Not sure exactly which race to sign up for? Start by searching for events that are at least six to 12 weeks out (depending on how much time you need to train). Then ask yourself what kinds of conditions you’re looking for. Do you want a fast and flat course on closed streets so you can nail a PR? Or do you want to test your mountain legs with a trail run? Also consider whether you’d prefer a destination race, or stick closer to home. 

Determine Your 10K Training Schedule

When she’s gearing up for a 10K, Mayla says that she’ll train for eight weeks, running about 15 to 25 miles a week. That’s spread out between easy runs, one or two weekly speed workouts like intervals or tempo runs and one weekly long run that gradually builds up to six to seven miles. She’s also diligent about taking one total rest day per week and dedicating another to light cross-training such as yoga

The exact details of your weekly training schedule will depend on your experience level and your goals. To simply finish your first 10K, you might do three or four run/walks per week and two or three strength training sessions. Advanced runners looking for a PR might run six days a week (including one or two speed sessions and a weekly long run) while also completing two or three lifting workouts.  

Either way, be sure to progressively build up your mileage, then taper during your final week so your legs feel good enough to race. Chris Heydrick, DPT, a physical therapist with MedStar Health in Baltimore, also recommends focusing more on strength training during the first third of your training, then pulling back on the amount of weight you’re lifting near the end. “We don't want to stress the system as we're trying to freshen up for our goal race,” he says. 

Whatever plan you follow, remember to stay flexible. “Listen to your body,” Mayla says. “If you feel pain, don’t push through it—rest and recover.” 

Indoor vs. Outdoor 10K Training: Benefits and Tips

Both the treadmill and the great outdoors are smart places to train for a 10K. When choosing between the two, consider these differences: 

Benefits of Training on a Treadmill

In addition to being a lifesaver in bad weather, Mayla points out that the Peloton Tread is “great for controlled pacing.” You set the speed, then your legs have to follow—even if you start to daydream, you won’t fall off pace. She just recommends setting the deck to a one- to two-percent incline, since a bit of elevation better simulates the challenge of running on the road. 

And if you find the treadmill somewhat… boring? “Mix up the speed or add intervals to keep it interesting,” Mayla says. “Watch a movie or let your favorite instructor entertain you!”

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Benefits of Training Outdoors

Since your race will (likely) take place outdoors, training on the roads or trails will prepare you for what you’ll encounter when it’s go-time. “[It] helps train your body for hills, turns, and real-world pacing,” Mayla says. Plus, there’s no denying the benefits of getting some fresh air. 

“My split: I use the treadmill for speed workouts or when the weather is terrible. Long runs are always outside because it feels more natural and fun,” Mayla says.

Understanding 10K Pace

How do you know your 10K pace if you’ve never run a 10K before—or if your fitness has changed since the last time you pinned on a bib? “Run a timed 5K and see how long it takes,” Mayla says. “To estimate your 10K pace, add about 15 to 30 seconds per mile to your 5K pace.” So, say you run a 31-minute 5K, that’s a 10-minute mile; expect to run 10:15 or 10:30 minutes per mile during the 10K.

When it comes to pacing during the race itself, don't let the adrenaline of the start line rev you up so much that you burn out by mile two. “Start slightly slower than your goal pace for the first mile,” Mayla says. “Settle into your pace for the middle miles.” Then, if you’ve got more in the tank during the last mile, that’s the time to throw down. One smart strategy? “Find someone in front of you that you can chase,” Mayla suggests. 

What to Expect: Average 10K Times and How to Improve Yours

Age, gender, experience level, and race conditions all affect 10K times. But overall, RunRepeat reports that the average 10K time is 1:02:08, which equates to about a 10-minute mile.  

No matter how your own finishing time compares, you can improve it by consistently following a dedicated training plan that includes one or two weekly speed workouts. “Incorporate intervals, tempo runs, and hill workouts to boost speed and stamina,” Mayla suggests. 

She also recommends working on your technique to make sure your form is as efficient as possible. “Are your arms parallel? What are your feet doing? Let someone check your form and improve it,” she says. 

Additionally, strength training and plyometrics can help you not only improve your performance but also stay strong and healthy enough to maintain a regular running schedule. Which brings us to…

How to Train for a 10K and Avoid Injury

Although running is a repetitive, high-impact sport that can be tough on the body, there are a few smart strategies that can help you make it to the starting line healthy. 

  • Ramp Up Gradually: Before you dive into training, think about the mileage you’ve done over the last month. It’s okay if it’s been minimal—just be mindful to start building it up slowly, Mayla says. Taking things more conservatively in the early weeks will help your body gradually gain the strength it needs.  

  • Do More Than Run: Dedicate some time to cross training so you can balance out strength in your body. “Activities like cycling or yoga help build strength and flexibility without overworking your legs,” Mayla says. 

  • Warm Up: Walking or doing some dynamic stretching for five to 10 minutes before you go for a run can go a long way in reducing injury risk, Hedrick says. “Get some blood flow to your tissues and turn on your neuromuscular system so that running is not so much of a jump scare,” he says. 

  • Take Time to Recover: Help your body heal from each workout, and prep for the next. “Prioritize rest days, stretching, foam rolling, and getting enough sleep,” Mayla says. Hedrick also recommends laying on the floor and putting your legs up the wall for 10 to 15 minutes after running as an easy way to increase circulation and help your muscles recover.  

  • Eat Enough: More running means your body needs more fuel. “We want those carbohydrates, those proteins, those fats so that we can build up stronger than we were before and are able to tolerate increased mileage,” Hedrick says. 

  • See a PT Before You Start Hurting: If you’re particularly injury-prone, Mayla says it’s a smart idea to visit the physical therapist before you start training—they can help assess your body’s weaknesses, and create a game plan for injury prevention. “If we can raise the strength of your tissues, your likelihood of injury goes way down,” Heydrick says. Plus, if you do get injured, he says it typically takes less time to return to running if you’ve already been working on those weak spots. 

How to Cross Train to Complement Your 10K Training

Even though you’re already getting a bunch of cardio by running, there are a couple of good reasons to hop on the Peloton Bike or Peloton Row for a low-impact aerobic workout. “If we're cross-training for recovery, we're getting some circulation to the tissues, but not really stressing our system,” Heydrick says. “We can also use cross training to stimulate our lactate system without the impacts that may come from faster running.” This can be especially helpful in the early parts of a training program when your body isn’t yet used to lots of running. 

And don’t forget strength training. Whether you lift weights or do bodyweight exercises, it can help your muscles, tendons, joints, bones better handle the impact of running—and build the kind of strength that can lead to faster times. Mayla suggests exercises like squats and lunges in particular. Heydrick also recommends gluteus medius exercises to stabilize the hips, and strengthening the hamstrings and calves to improve your speed.

Preparing for Your First 10K Race

A 10K can be a thrilling challenge. But remember: You’ll run far more during the weeks leading up to the race than you will on the course itself. “Enjoy the process,” Mayla says. “Celebrate small victories, like completing your longest run or improving your pace.” 

That way, race day is just your victory lap to celebrate all the work you already put in. Mayla’s advice? “Focus on finishing strong and having fun.”


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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.


Mayla Wedekind, Peloton Instructor

Featured Peloton Instructor

Mayla Wedekind

Mayla is based in our London studio and teaches classes in German. She loves helping people recognize their strengths and find their inner peace.


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