20 min Restorative
Originally aired
Mariana Fernández
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Join Mariana Fernández for 20 min Restorative yoga. In restorative yoga, we use props that help you reduce the effort of the postures and hold them longer. This will speed up your muscle restoration process. Enjoy a session with soothing pop music to enhance your experience. This class is perfect for anyone looking to relax and rejuvenate.
- Yoga Blanket
- Yoga Block
- Yoga Mat
Featuring music by
Luis Miguel, Gloria Estefan, Maná, Carlos Rivera
Contigo Aprendí
Armando ManzaneroPor Debajo De La Mesa
Luis MiguelBrazos de Sol (Si Fuera Mía)
Carlos Rivera
Contigo Aprendí
Armando ManzaneroPor Debajo De La Mesa
Luis MiguelBrazos de Sol (Si Fuera Mía)
Carlos RiveraCómo Dueles en Los Labios
Class plan
Restorative Yoga