Get ready to move with Peloton
Welcome to the Peloton family. We can’t wait to see how much you’ll accomplish.
Now, let’s get your Peloton equipment set up.

Setting up your Peloton Guide
Ready to watch your strength-training routine transform? Let’s get your new Peloton Guide set up.
Watch our Guide setup video now.

Activating your account
Enter the email address and password you used when purchasing your Peloton Bike, or enter the Activation Key on your touchscreen.

Setting up your subscription and payment
Tap the “…” icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
Select Profile Settings then select Membership.
Enter your credit card information to activate your All-Access Membership.
Update your payment method any time at onepeloton.com/mymembership or on your Peloton Bike.

Setting up your profile
Step 1 - Confirm your profile information
Step 2 - Create your Leaderboard name (this is how your friends will find you!)
Step 3 - Connect to Spotify or Apple Music to use the Track Love feature and save songs from class to your playlist

Getting to know your homescreen
Your homescreen knows what you like and brings it front and center. The more classes you take, the more recommendations you get. You can also use filters and the search bar to find what fits you.

Perfecting your form with Peloton 101
Improve your setup and form to ensure you feel comfortable and are getting the most out of every ride.
Watch our video to get set up.
Find your first ride
With Peloton, motivation is endless. Sometimes it can feel like your class options are too. Let’s figure out where you should start, so you can find the perfect ride.
Get the ultimate workout experience
Check out our Accessories Page to take your workout experience to the next level—from shoes, weights, heart rate bands, and more!