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10 min Body Scan Meditation

10 min Body Scan Meditation

Erstmals ausgestrahlt am

Aditi Shah


Peloton App

Weitere Informationen

Join the charismatic Aditi Shah for this transformative Peloton Meditation session. In this 10-minute body scan meditation class, Aditi will guide you through the exploration of your physical senses while relieving tension, all accompanied by soothing alternative music. Find ease, presentness, and renewed energy in a comfortable and grounded position of your choice.

Untertitel: EN

Mit Musik von

Max Richter


  • Sleep

    Richter: Dream 1 (before the wind blows it all away)

    Max Richter


  • Sleep

    Richter: Dream 1 (before the wind blows it all away)

    Max Richter


  • meditation


    10 min

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