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6 Exercises to Try for the Best Barbell Workout

These moves can help you build full body muscle and strength.

By Sarah Klein21 August 2024

If you’re new to barbell workouts, they can feel a little intimidating. When you look around the gym, it may seem like the people doing barbell exercises really know their stuff (and often have the visible muscle mass to prove it!). 

But if you’ve gotten comfortable with dumbbell exercises or other strength training workouts and are ready for a new challenge, adding some barbell moves to your routine could be just the progression you need. Here’s everything you need to know to try barbell workouts for the first time.

The Basics of Barbell Training: What to Know to Get Started

If you’re a newbie, it’s a good idea to get comfortable with other forms of strength training before you first grab a bar, says Peloton instructor Andy Speer. “You should probably have some practice, experience, and competency in the movements you’re going to perform with the barbell,” he notes.

For example, maybe you’ve done goblet squats before, and now you’re ready to try a barbell back squat. Or maybe you’ve done a bent-over dumbbell row or a dumbbell deadlift, and now you want to try those movements with a bar. “Becoming confident with the actual movement and then picking up a barbell is a safer and more productive way to go about it,” Andy says.

Even if you’re used to doing some of those movements with heavy dumbbells, he always recommends barbell beginners start with just the bar, and no added weight, “just to get familiar with the differences in how you hold it and how the bar reacts to your body.”

It also could be worth getting some professional help when you’re just starting out. Consider working with a physical therapist, certified personal trainer, or a group fitness instructor who can help you learn basic barbell movements, correct your form, and keep you safe and injury-free.

Barbell Safety Tips 

Whether or not you enlist professional help, make sure you’re keeping the following pointers in mind, Andy says:

  • Build up weight gradually. Add a little at a time, and see how your body responds before piling on extra plates.

  • Do barbell exercises slowly and with control, especially when you’re just starting out and need to get a feel for new movements.

  • Warm up before your barbell workouts (just like with any workout!). Andy recommends starting with a bodyweight or dumbbell version of the movement you’re going to do with a barbell later. For example, “I'll do a couple sets of goblet squats before I take the barbell and do a front squat,” he says, or you could do push-ups before a barbell bench press.

  • Always be mindful that you’re holding a bar that could come into contact with your body (or someone else’s). “The bar has a greater chance of smashing into my shins or hitting me in the thigh when I'm moving it, or coming closer to my chin and my face, so think about how you can keep the bar generally as close to your body as you can safely without contacting your body in a way that's going to be injurious,” Andy says.

  • Take care of your wrists. There’s a lot more demand on them during barbell workouts than, say, dumbbell workouts, where you’re able to move your arms more freely, Andy says. Incorporate more wrist mobility—like a 10-minute wrist mobility class—to help avoid injury or discomfort in those joints and muscles.

  • Always put safety clips on the bar, per the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). These keep the weight plates from sliding off mid-movement.

  • Stop doing any barbell exercise if you feel pain or get lightheaded, according to the AAFP.

The Benefits of Barbell Training

The biggest benefit of training with a barbell comes down to weight, Andy says. You can typically load more weight onto a bar than you’d find in the average gym in dumbbells or kettlebells. Plus, you usually take that loaded bar right off a rack and into your movement—it would be a lot harder to lift equally heavy dumbbells off the floor and raise them to your shoulders before doing your overhead press. “When you're at the point where you feel like you can handle heavier weights than you have with your dumbbells and your kettlebells, you can put more weight on the bar,” he says.

But there are also some smaller perks to keep in mind:

  • You can increase your weight in more manageable increments than with dumbbells. “I can go up from 150 pounds on the bench press to 152 pounds or 155 pounds,” Andy says. That’s a smaller percentage increase than jumping from 50 to 55 pounds with a dumbbell, for example, “which is great for really increasing your strength thoughtfully.”

  • You can add variety to your strength workouts. Mixing things up helps you avoid overtraining and overuse injuries and might make you more likely to stick to your exercise plan because you won’t get bored. “If you can learn how to use all the tools at your disposal, you just have more tools in your box to choose from when you're programming and working out,” Andy says. 

How To Properly Use the Barbell In Your Workouts

If you’re new to the barbell, you don’t have to craft a workout exclusively of barbell exercises. Start by adding one or two barbell exercises to a full-body workout and practice those exercises two or three times a week, Andy suggests. That will give you plenty of time to get comfortable with a handful of barbell exercises while still getting an effective workout that you feel comfortable and confident with, he says. You can work up to more exercises and more weekly workouts as you gain confidence.

You’re also going to want to change up your usual set and rep scheme. If you’re used to doing three sets of 12 reps of your dumbbell exercises, Andy recommends instead doing four sets of five reps of barbell movements. The idea is that you’ll be using heavier weights and don’t need to do as many reps (and you might not be able to, anyway!).

In addition, you should also make sure to use good barbell form throughout your workouts, Andy says. That will help prevent injury and ensure you get the most out of your workout.

Correct Barbell Form Tips

  • When you’re holding the barbell below your hips, grip it so your hands are about shoulder-width apart and/or are just outside of your legs.

  • When you’re holding the barbell above your hips (usually at your chest or shoulders), grip it a little wider than shoulder-width apart.

  • Keep your back straight.

  • Remember that any general form tips for an exercise remain the same, with or without a barbell. That’s why it’s important to get comfortable with a movement before adding a barbell to your workout.

The 6 Best Barbell Exercises to Include in Your Workout

Below are some of the main barbell exercises Andy recommends. Follow his step-by-step instructions for perfect form and maximum gains. 

Barbell Squat 

Barbell Back Squat

The barbell squat is a quintessential lower-body barbell exercise that can be performed with the barbell in front or behind you (called a front squat or back squat, respectively), but holding the bar behind you is generally considered a safer place to start, Andy says.

  1. For a back squat, load the barbell onto your traps and shoulders, behind your neck. “Pull your elbows and shoulders down and back to feel a little bit of tension to secure that bar to your upper back,” Andy says.

  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed out. 

  3. Brace your core.

  4. Start to lower your body down into a traditional squat, keeping your back straight and your chest lifted throughout the movement.

  5. Continue until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or slightly lower).

  6. Press through your heels to return to standing.

  7. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Your center of gravity might feel a little off if you’re used to goblet squats, Andy says, because the bar is behind you. Avoid arching your back, especially as you stand back up from the bottom of your squat. “Keep a really strong, stable torso and keep thinking about cinching your ribs in,” he says.

Barbell Bent-Over Row 

Barbell Bent Over Row

This upper-body barbell exercise engages the pulling muscles of your arms, shoulders, and back.

  1. Start with the barbell on the floor in front of you, with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Bend down to grip the bar a little wider than shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip (your palms should be facing your body and your thumbs should be wrapped around the bar).

  3. Stand up carefully, then hinge forward until your upper body is at about a 45- to 60-degree angle from the floor. This is the starting position.

  4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your elbows behind you as you pull the bar toward you.

  5. Slowly lower the bar to the starting position.

  6. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Avoid rounding through your back, Andy says, and aim to pull the bar toward your rib cage rather than your chest to make sure you’re targeting the proper muscles.

Barbell Bench Press 

Barbell Bench Press

Another upper-body dumbbell exercise, this move engages the pushing muscles in your arms, shoulders, and chest—while also sneakily working your core.

  1. Lie on your back on a bench holding the barbell directly over your shoulders on a rack with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

  2. Press your feet into the ground and your hips into the bench.

  3. Brace your core and avoid arching your back.

  4. Carefully lift the bar off the rack.

  5. With control, lower the bar toward your chest. Your elbows should be at about 45-degree angles from your upper body.

  6. Lower until your elbows extend just below the bench, then press the bar back up.

  7. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

“One of the biggest [issues] you see is the bar coming way too high, almost close to the neck,” Andy says of the bench press. Instead, lower the bar to where your pec muscles meet your sternum, he says.

Barbell Hip Thrust 

Barbell hip thrust

Similar to a glute bridge, the barbell hip thrust targets your glutes, hamstrings, and core.

  1. Start sitting on the floor with your upper back and shoulders on a bench. Roll a barbell up to where your hips crease.

  2. Press through your heels and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips and the barbell up so your body forms a straight line between your shoulders, hips, and knees.You can keep your hands gently on the bar to hold it in place. 

  3. Lower your hips with control until your butt just touches the floor.

  4. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

“Think about tucking your tailbone off the floor,” Andy says. This will help you move your entire body together rather than pulling up with your torso, which could hurt your back.

Barbell Deadlift 

Barbell deadlift

A deadlift is another classic barbell exercise. It works your glutes and hamstrings.

  1. Start with the barbell on the floor in front of you, with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Bend down to grip the bar a little wider than shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip (your palms should be facing your body and your thumbs should be wrapped around the bar) and engage your core and glutes. 

  3. Keeping a slight bend in your knees, your chest lifted, and your back straight, pull up slightly on the bar until you feel tension. “We call this taking the slack out of the bar,” Andy says.

  4. Drive through your heels to press upward to a standing position. “Think about pushing your feet into the floor,” Andy says. Pause here momentarily and squeeze your glutes.

  5. With control, lower the barbell to the floor.

  6. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Remember, you’re not trying to pull the bar off the floor with your upper body when you’re taking the slack out. “You want to feel the weight of the bar through your body so you know what’s coming,” Andy says.

Barbell Overhead Press 

Barbell overhead press

The overhead press uses a similar pressing movement to the bench press, but with more focus on your shoulders.

  1. Start standing with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold the barbell in front of your neck just above your chest with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart.

  2. Brace your core and glutes as you press the barbell up overhead. (This gives you a “strong, safe, stable position to press from,” Andy says.) Try not to arch your back or push your head forward.

  3. Lower the barbell back to your chest.

  4. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

The barbell can pass pretty close to your face in an overhead press, which can take some getting used to. You might want to actively think about moving your chin back slightly, Andy says.

How Barbell Workouts Can Help You Reach Your Strength-Training Goals

When they’re strategically added to a strength-training routine, barbell exercises can help you progress to lifting heavier weights and build toward your strength-training goals. Take the time to slowly and safely learn proper form by scaling back on your weight and reps at first, then build up the intensity as you get more comfortable. Consider enlisting the help of an experienced gym buddy or spotter—or a fitness professional—to help you perfect your form and stay safe as you get more and more confident in your barbell workouts.


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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.