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Captain America: Brave New World release

How Anthony Mackie Trained Like a Superhero for His Role in Marvel Studios’ “Captain America: Brave New World”

Get superhero-strong with Mackie’s favorite moves on the Peloton App.

By Kate Arcell7 February 2025


You may not need the strength to engage in superhero-level combat or catch a shield made of near-indestructible vibranium, but there’s no harm in trying a Captain America-inspired workout that’ll get you as superhero-ready as actor Anthony Mackie. As he prepared for the role of the titular Super Hero in Marvel Studios’ “Captain America: Brave New World,” in theaters February 14, Mackie hit the gym hard—and not just for aesthetic reasons. Here, learn all about Anthony Mackie’s training routine that helped him prepare for the physical challenges of portraying Captain America. Plus find out how Peloton can help you get superhero-strong with our latest class collection. 

Anthony Mackie’s Workout Routine for Captain America

When it comes to becoming a Marvel superhero, Mackie isn’t playing around in—or out—of the gym. “I run 4 miles to the gym,” he shared with Vanity Fair in 2019. The strategy helped him warm up, so he could jump right into his strength training routine and get those superhero gains. 

As for his usual split, in 2013, Mackie told Buzzfeed that he tends to hit chest and triceps on Mondays, followed by back and biceps on Tuesdays, and legs and shoulders on Wednesdays. Then he repeats the cycle for Thursday through Saturday. He also adds on a 20-minute ab workout daily, he noted in his interview with Vanity Fair. But unlike the Super Heroes he plays in movies, Mackie is only human, and a restful Sunday is key for keeping up with his routine. 

Peloton instructor Andy Speer notes that when it comes to the physical demands of being Captain America, a strong core can help. “Core training is critical if you want to jump, run, lift cars, and carry people like a superhero,” he explains. And Mackie, whose Captain America suit features battle-ready retractable wings, is no stranger to needing a strong core on set. “From doing all the flying stuff, there are times when I need to stay in a plank for a long time, pull myself up, or throw my feet under me. So core strength is always the foundation of my workouts,” he shared with Men’s Journal in 2022.

Like most of us, Mackie looks forward to some days in the gym more than others. “I love doing legs,” he revealed in his Men’s Journal interview. “I’m into deadlifts, squats, lunges, and burpees. Anything with legs—I’ll do it.” These moves are foundational for most lower body lifts, explains Andy. “Implementing variations of these movements into your program will build functional strength that can be carried over onto superhero maneuvers,” he says. 

When it comes to the aesthetics of being a Super Hero, there’s one spot Mackie focuses on when training: Shoulders. “If your shoulders are looking great, everybody's like, ‘Oh, he has nice shoulders.’ So that’s my biggest thing when I’m leaning out—focusing on my shoulders,” he told Men’s Journal

Ready to build your own superhero training routine? Here are a few moves Andy recommends to increase strength, build muscle, and improve agility—all key for getting superhero-strong. 


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Alternating Single Leg V Up

Alternating Single Leg V-Up

Andy explains that this move strengthens both the core and hips, making it ideal for building “core endurance for running and general dynamic movement.” 

  1. Start lying on your back with your arms extended overhead. 

  2. Engage your core to roll up while lifting your left leg to a 45-degree angle and reaching your arms towards your left toes.

  3. Slowly roll back down to the mat and return to your starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, lifting the right leg. Continue for your desired number of reps.  


Woodchop exercise

By combining strength and momentum, Andy says this core-strengthening move builds explosive power. Try it without weights or use a dumbbell or kettlebell for an added challenge.

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding the ends of a single dumbbell or the horns of a kettlebell in each hand. Lift both arms over one shoulder.

  2. Twist and rotate your torso and arms downward diagonally across your body, bringing your arms (and the weight) down toward the opposite hip. 

  3. Reverse the movement and swing your arms back to their original position over your shoulder. Repeat for your desired number of reps before switching sides. 

Overhead Press

Barbell overhead press

Target the shoulders by incorporating an overhead press using dumbbells, a barbell, or kettlebells into your routine. Andy says this move specifically “builds functional strength and muscle.”

  1. Start in a kneeling or standing position. Hold weights in both hands at shoulder height with palms facing forward. 

  2. Press the weight overhead, fully extending your arms. Avoid locking your elbows, engage your core for stability, and keep your back straight.

  3. Slowly lower the weight back to shoulder height and repeat for the desired number of reps. 

Lateral Raises

Dumbbell lateral raise

Another great option for bulking up the shoulders, Andy says this deltoid-building move is primarily beneficial for hypertrophy. He suggests using dumbbells, kettlebells, or cables. 

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Let your arms hang by your sides with weight in each hand and palms facing your body.

  2. Slowly lift the weight out to the sides until your arms are parallel to the ground, going no higher than shoulder height. Keep your elbows slightly bent, core engaged, and shoulder blades back, down, and away from your ears.

  3. Lower the weights with control to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps. 

Squat Jumps

Squat jump

Mackie’s workout includes a variety of strength-building lower body exercises that Andy notes are the powerhouse for most of our movement, superhero or not. But being a superhero isn’t just about strength, and Andy says adding in plyometric moves like squat jumps can help you achieve superhero-level athleticism.

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed forward and turned slightly out. 

  2. Lower your body into a squat by bending the knees and sitting the hips back as if in a chair. Keep your back straight, chest up, and core tight. Your weight should be evenly distributed through your feet with a slight emphasis on your heels, and your knees should stay behind the toes as your lower.

  3. At the bottom of the squat, push through your heels and shift your weight onto your toes as you extend your knees, hips, and arms upwards into a straight position with as much explosive power as you can. Your feet should be off the ground and flexed at the top of your jump. 

  4. Land back on your toes, then immediately shift your weight back to your heels and drop back into the squat. You want to absorb the impact of your landing by going straight into the squat position. Repeat for your desired number of reps. 

How to Train Like a Superhero with Peloton

In the past, Mackie trained with friends and costars, like Mark Wahlberg, to get movie-ready, he shared in a Buzzfeed interview. “We both pushed each other to our limits every day,” he shared about working out with Wahlberg. “He's a great partner in the gym.” 

With Peloton’s new Train Like a Superhero class collection, you too can get motivation to push yourself and reach your strength training goals. You’ll feel like a superhero in no time with the week of workouts curated with Anthony Mackie to resemble his own Captain America training routine. Try classes like Andy’s 30-minute Full Body Strength to get superhero gains, build athleticism with Alex Toussaint's 30-minute Superhero Ride, recover from all your hard work with a 20-minute Full Body Stretch class with Rebecca Kennedy, and more.

Whether you’re trying to emulate Captain America or just want to build strength that helps you achieve everyday heroic feats (hello, carrying all your groceries inside in one trip), Peloton can help you get there. Says Andy, “The idea that we can push ourselves past preconceived human limits is a really fun and powerful way to get the most out of a training session.”

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.


Andy Speer

Featured Peloton Instructor

Andy Speer

Andy takes a technique-centered approach to fitness, drawing on his experience as an accomplished former gymnast and pole vaulter in his home state of Connecticut.


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