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Christy S's Peloton Diary

Christy S's Peloton Diary

A young professional in New York City runs and rides to her most "unstoppable" self with Peloton.

By Christy S. & Team PelotonUpdated 2 December 2020


Welcome to Peloton Diaries, where Peloton Members write about a week of their workouts. If you're a Peloton Member and would like the chance to submit you own Peloton Diary, you can do so here.

Meet Peloton Member Christy S. Christy has been a Peloton Member for just about a year, and lives with her boyfriend in New York City near Central Park. Christy initially bought a Bike and just recently added a Tread+ to her apartment, with the goal of getting more into bootcamp classes. As for her favorite Peloton classes to date, it’s a toss-up between the Hamilton classes and Kendall’s World Mental Health Day Ride. You can find her on the leaderboard representing #PelotonNYC and #pelotwentiesladies.

As a newer Peloton Member, Christy started using the Bike and incorporating strength classes while also running outside when the weather was right--she ran the NYC Marathon in 2017. However, in March when New York’s stay-at-home order went into effect, she found herself going from walking five miles per day to getting in only a few hundred steps. This change led her to invest in a Tread, which she uses for both running whenever she wants and getting in quick walks during the day to stretch her legs.

Thanks to everything available with her Peloton Membership, from running to strength to rides, Christy feels "unstoppable." She says she starts each morning “feeling more powerful than the last.” Read on to her about Christy’s week of Peloton workouts, in her own words:

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"I always try to plan my workouts and weekly meals for the week ahead on a Sunday, but thanks to a three-day weekend I’m planning everything today! It’s a rainy day in NYC which can make me feel a little more sluggish than usual, but it’s also the perfect excuse to drink tea in a sweatshirt and sweatpants all day. I have food in my fridge for the next week, so I planned all of my meals for the next week with food I already have. I wasn’t planning on working out today because I was SO cozy on my couch and was otherwise productive in planning my week, but I peeked at the live class schedule just in case. Then I saw it. I cannot turn down a 45-minute Hip Hop Ride with Alex Toussaint. I even tried to talk myself out of it, but then he went on Instagram live before the ride to hype me up even more. I’m so happy I did because that class was a BURNER. There’s no better feeling than almost skipping your workout to then take a killer 45-minute class with someone like Alex who will remind you why you even clipped in in the first place.”

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"I woke up today still on a high from yesterday’s ride with Alex. I can only work out in the early morning or evening, so I decided to wait until the evening to at least get more than 12 hours between workouts. As soon as I was able to, I jumped on Becs’ 30 minute 60s run which was just the energy I needed. When I trained for my marathon in 2017, I listened to a lot of 60s music so this class felt like home to me. I was still craving more when I finished the run, but decided to take the scenic route (literally!). To end my night, I jumped on a 20 minute fall scenic run and kept the 60s music flowing from my Bluetooth speaker. Now I REALLY felt like I was back training for the marathon! When I hopped off the Tread and cooled down with a quick stretch, I was craving a glass of hot apple cider after seeing all of the falling leaves on my screen. But I ended up just going to bed with the soundtrack of Hamilton playing in my head.”

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"I have waited a very long time for today’s ride. Yesterday I opened my phone to an email from my mom. A HAMILTON RIDE with ROBIN?! I couldn’t contain my excitement. I was counting down from the second I heard the news. Although I live in NYC, I’ve never seen the show live on Broadway (I entered the lottery every day for over a year, but I digress). It was only when it was released on Disney+ that I was able to see it in all of its glory. I’ve memorized the show and soundtrack since that July day, and I felt like I was about to see it for the first time on Broadway when I clipped my shoes into the bike. Robin KILLED IT. The playlist was perfect. I forgot I was even on the bike until I looked down after the class to see my output, which I was very proud of. I hopped off, craving more of course! I’m pretty sedentary during the week with the exception of my Peloton workouts so I always aim to get around an hour of activity per day. I ended the night with 20 minutes of Chest and Back strength with Chase, a light stretch on my own, and a lot of water. I feel a rest day coming on.”

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"Here we are, my first active recovery rest day of the week. How did I spend it? By walking of course! I took Matty’s 45 minute Pop Walk. It was a great workout to give my muscles the rest they deserve but to also stay somewhat active. It felt like I was just walking with a friend through NYC and catching up! Thanks for a great class Matty. I hopped off the Tread and decided to prepare my body for sleep with Ross’ 20 minute Relaxing meditation. I fell asleep immediately after.”

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"Friday I’m in love! I love beginning the weekend with a “Happy Hour” ride or run. Let’s be honest, I’m not celebrating a happy hour these days anywhere other than my apartment, so why not get the endorphin rush at the same time? You know I’m already Hamilton obsessed, so I had to take Matty’s Hamilton run (I may have cried...twice). I’m so happy he covered the second half of the show’s music while Robin covered the first half. Thank you both for strategizing like that for us! I was so energized after the run I needed to hop on for a second one. I’ve always loved Jess King on the bike but I’m SO HAPPY she’s also teaching some Tread classes! Her energy is unparalleled. I ended the night with a glass of wine and a sleep meditation with Chelsea. Cheers!”

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"My second and final active rest day of the week! I headed to the suburbs today to get my annual autumn fix. After apple picking and other fall festivities in the Hudson Valley, I couldn’t think of a better way to end my day than with a relaxing meditation with Aditi in my Uber ride home to the city. I’m not going to lie, I fell asleep for some of it, but I’m not complaining!”

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"My favorite day to work out! I was feeling so tired today from such a FUN Saturday night with my friends, filled with amazing food and even better IPAs. I decided to get all of my weekly errands out of the way (laundry, groceries, etc.) in the morning and take my classes in the afternoon before dinner. I took Ally’s Sundays With Love ride, my favorite Sunday ritual. I felt so spiritually alive after that class and decided I wanted more. I’ve been hearing amazing things about Kendall’s Mental Health Awareness Day ride and after taking it, I can only describe it in one word: POWERFUL. After the class, I just sat on the bike and reflected. I unclipped, hugged my family members, we ate dinner together, and I checked in with myself. It was the perfect way to end the week and I feel even stronger going into the next one. Thanks for another powerful week, Peloton.”

Peloton works for Christy. Will it work for you? Compare Peloton to your current fitness costs.

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