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How One Member Has Found The Ultimate Busy Dad Workout With Peloton

By PelotonUpdated 14 October 2019


Raising a 3-year-old as a single dad is exactly how it sounds: very busy. For Member Ken P., some days it feels as if his schedule is non-stop leaving him little to no time to squeeze in any fitness. After tragically losing his wife, Ken decided he needed a lifestyle change. “Being a single dad of an almost 4-year-old makes it very important for me to work out--my wife passed away before 40 due to cancer and I need to make sure I’m healthy and active for my daughter,” says Ken. When a fellow Peloton Member and one of his best friends saw Peloton’s social impact program, the Comeback, they shared Ken’s story knowing how much Ken would benefit from having an outlet for himself on the Bike.

Once he got his Bike, Ken placed it in his bedroom so that the motivation was right there in front of him. Since he began clipping in to class, he’s already felt a shift in how he feels. “On the days I work out, I’m definitely more motivated and find that I accomplish more,” says Ken. “There is nothing quite like the feeling you have after a good workout--the positive vibe of a Peloton class helps with that as well. The music, atmosphere and the energy from the instructors make it that much better!” And as a busy dad, the convenience of having his workout right in his home and close to his daughter is something that is so important to him. “Peloton makes it much easier to work out,” says Ken. “I feel empowered that I can get my workout in on my time and the Bike gives me the ability to work out without changing my daughter’s routine,” says Ken. “I can do it while she is playing, watching Paw Patrol or even sleeping--it has made exercise so much easier!”

When we asked Ken what he loves about being a dad, he excitedly says, “everything,” especially when it comes down to what fatherhood has taught him. “My daughter has taught me so much,” says Ken. “The two biggest things I’ve learned are patience and to slow down--I definitely appreciate each day more now and through her I’ve realized that life is about creating moments and enjoying them,” says Ken. “She finds joy in just about anything, as adults we shouldn’t be afraid of that either!” Finally, we wanted to know what Ken’s pro tip is as a dad. “Keep pushing,” he says. And whether that’s on or off the Bike, we have to agree.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
