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Meet These Education Leaders on the Leaderboard (Before Or After Class)

Meet These Education Leaders on the Leaderboard (Before Or After Class)

By PelotonUpdated 7 May 2021


Meet These Education Leaders on the Leaderboard (Before Or After Class)

How a Tag group of education leaders from elementary through high school formed a lasting bond through a weekly ride on the Bike.

How it started

The #EdisonEducators Tag began when Member Joanie V, a long-time Peloton Member, had a few colleagues get Peloton Bikes when remote teaching first started in March 2020. Joanie had always been an active Member, a self-proclaimed lover of all things Peloton, but she never got too caught up with the Leaderboard or connecting with other Members on Peloton. Once enough of Joanie’s coworkers from school became Members, she created the #EdisonEducators Tag for their little group of five to find each other on the Leaderboard and take classes together.

How it's going

After a year of working out together, #EdisonEducators is now 14 Members strong! (More bought Peloton Bikes after hearing glowing reviews from some of their fellow education leaders.) Each Wednesday, they take a class together and they have a system where they rotate who picks the class they take each week. (They used to base it on the winner, but that didn’t last long because Rob U. kept beating everyone.) They love working out together and joining in on each other’s successes, and although the rides started when they were teaching remotely, they’ve kept them up as they’ve transitioned back to partial in-person teaching.

To quote Samantha G, one of the Members of the Tag, she had to join the group because the #EdisonEducators “formed a community that revolves around mutual support, self care and kinship!”

Who's in the Tag?

#EdisonEducators is a Tag of Peloton Members, some long-time and some relatively new to Peloton, who work in a district made up of 20 schools in New Jersey. Their group includes current and former teachers, supervisors, assistant principals and principals from elementary through high school levels. They all have a common goal of being the best educators they can be for their students, and that involves taking care of themselves and working out.

They’ve Grown Closer Because Of Their Peloton Connection

Prior to creating #EdisonEducators and sharing their weekly workouts, some of the people in the Tag barely knew each other. Despite being coworkers, they had different roles within the school district and didn’t interact with each other very often. However, thanks to their weekly Peloton rides as the #EdisonEducators, now they’re comfortable reaching out to each other for questions and sharing laughs together.

Gina A. said: “As a member of the #EdisonEducators, I've grown not only on the Bike and became stronger, but I've come to love being a member of a group of educators that cheer each other on, celebrate PRs and love to be healthy all-around.”

They Find Inspiration From Peloton Instructors

Who inspires those who inspire others for a living? The #EdisonEducators they find inspiration and wisdom in Peloton instructors, which they share with their students.

Joanie V. said: “The Peloton instructors always say ‘Together We Go Far,’ which has helped shape and guide our group. We compliment each other's efforts and take pride in knowing we have to be at our best on the Bike in order to provide the best learning communities for our teachers, students, and parents within the district..”

Nicole H. said: “Peloton has made me a stronger and more confident individual, which translates to how I conduct myself professionally. I often find myself using Peloton instructor's quotes in my student class meetings that consist of me talking to over 500 students at a time.” (Among her favorite quotes is, “It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger,” from Robin Arzón.)

Christina H. said: “Being a teacher, it’s important to be on your game daily. We need to have patience, understanding and be mentally prepared... A huge part of my job is inspiring and motivating people to believe in themselves; I’ve taken many notes from the Peloton instructors, especially fellow educator, Jess Sims. Their positivity and motivation keep me hustling.”

Peloton Helps Shape Their Days As Educators

Through starting their day with a Peloton class, whether it's a weekly group ride or they're working out solo, the #EdisonEducators love the way a Peloton class positively affects the rest of their day.

Joanie V. said: “ I am able to build mental stamina and fortitude through the work I do within Peloton and with the #EdisonEducators. It enables me to show up as the best version of myself through setting the stage with all the right tools to succeed. Importantly, I've learned a lot about gratitude and how to express my appreciation for others through the impact of this group.”

Ojas R. said: “Peloton not only helps me stay fit physically, but helps me form a positive mindset. Thinking methodically and strategically helps diffuse situations, and provides meaningful insights to staff and students as well.”

Samantha G. said: “ I find peace on my Bike and encourage others to find their peace in whatever allows them to let go for a few minutes of the day! It's about showing up for yourself which then will allow you to show up for others. Educators show up every single day to do what's best for students, and our Peloton community has helped keep our cups full in a time where everyone is running on empty. ”

Aurora L. said: “I think Peloton has helped in stabilizing me in terms of my mood and my energy level. Because I am able to spend an hour every day exercising with Peloton, I am able to give more to my students and my school.”

Kristen T. said: “The mornings I can work out before work I feel like I can conquer the world! My mind is clear and I just have an overall positive energy throughout the day to help and support students and teachers during these unprecedented times. It is so important as a supervisor to be that person to lean on during trying times to help with lesson planning and student engagement and Peloton helps me to do this. I'm so grateful to have my own space to be with a community of like-minded people who have the same goals as me: Stay healthy and strong, and have fun doing it!”

Peloton And Their Connection Keeps Them Accountable

Whether they're former athletes or starting their relationship with fitness later in life, the #EdisonEducators have never felt so motivated to carve out time for themselves to work out, because they motivate each other and keep each other accountable.

Rob U. said: “Peloton adds structure. I see it as a responsibility to get on that Bike as much as possible to work hard. Being that my rides are logged, I know friends are looking in on my performance and I have a small group of friends who will motivate each other to really excel.”

Lisa D. said: “After pregnancy…this group has given me the boost I need to get back on the Bike and make exercise a part of my routine. When I struggle to get out of bed for our early morning workouts, I remind myself that I have a team waiting for me on the Leaderboard. Plus, sometimes you just need a little friendly competition to get you going in the morning.”

Their Advice For Other Educators Looking To Create A Tag

Because of the success they've seen through creating their own Tag on Peloton, this group of teachers and education leaders have advice for others looking to follow their lead.

Joanie V. said: “Maintain an open mind when it comes to forming a group. I never thought this would be "my thing" because before #EdisonEducators came to fruition, I never organized rides with my friends or cared about the Leaderboard. I would always just do my own thing. Being part of a group has opened my eyes to the benefits of having others to rely upon. There is truth to the "Together We Go Far” saying and I was able to understand its full meaning and power through taking part in the #EdisonEducators team.”

Nicole H. said: “I strongly encourage educators to form smaller cohorts and ride together. It is a great stress reliever and puts you in a better frame of mind that ultimately benefits your students. During these chaotic times, students need positivity and encouragement more than ever from their teachers, guidance counselors and administrators.”

See you on the Leaderboard, #EdisonEducators!

Ready to join or create a Tag? Explore more Tags here.

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