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Sweating with Subtitles

Sweating with Subtitles

Get to know how four deaf and hard of hearing Members are using subtitles to improve their physical and mental fitness.

By Team PelotonUpdated 3 December 2021


Peloton is committed to providing the best, most immersive, and accessible experience for our Members. Our core values are putting our Members first and empowering people to be the best version of themselves. Everyone has different fitness abilities and ambitions, and we strive to provide a variety of classes and content that empower each and every one of our Members to reach their personal goals.

We provide subtitles for all on-demand classes, and this year we also introduced subtitles for live English classes. Now deaf and hard of hearing Members can participate fully in each and every class and watch for their hard-earned instructor shoutout! (Read more about how we used Microsoft Azure’s AI capabilities to bring live captioning to our English classes.)

We spoke with four amazing Members with hearing disabilities who consistently show up for themselves and others to accomplish great things in fitness and in life.

If you’d like to provide feedback on any of Peloton’s accessibility features or participate in future usability testing with our research team, please reach out to for more information.

Dustin F.

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What is your personal workout philosophy?

Focus! As of late, I've been doing my best to block out all distractions, block out the noise and focus on my movements. I've been able to stay in shape simply by getting my reps in and by being naturally active everyday.

How has Peloton impacted your relationship with your physical and mental health?

Being active is the recipe for my everyday success. It helps my mental health, helps maintain my positive attitude and pushes my desire to stay hungry and energized. Being deaf, it is important for me to not get in my own head about things—and Peloton does an exceptional job taking the weight off of my shoulders. Peloton has positively impacted my relationship with my physical and mental health. Being deaf, I am very open about how I feel. I wear my heart on my sleeve so if and when I'm quiet, my friends and family notice immediately. Being an incredibly passionate person, Peloton only adds to my criteria for success.

Can you think of a time when an instructor said something that really stuck with you?

Absolutely. I could rattle off a handful of instructors' quotes that will stick with me for the rest of my life to be honest! Because I use subtitles in all of the classes I take, their words really sink into my head. Kendall Toole's mental-health-related speeches really hit home for me. Again, being deaf has me facing challenges every single day. I feel like I personally know Kendall through taking her classes, and I hope I someday get the opportunity to meet her.

What’s something that’s surprised you about Peloton?

Some may say they're surprised at how fast Peloton is growing. To me, it makes complete sense why Peloton is growing so rapidly. The brand executes on strategic growth plans supported by a healthy and open culture with a team strictly focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. That's the recipe for nothing but success!”

What accessibility efforts that Peloton has made have the most impact on you?

Two key features Peloton offers for the deaf and hard of hearing community are the ability to connect hearing aids to the Peloton Bike using Bluetooth® wireless technology, and the fact all on-demand classes have subtitles. Because of this, I am 100% engaged. Now it is my goal to let as many people know about these features, so I can be part of the movement!

Carlisle R.

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What is your personal workout philosophy?

Listen to your body. Move as much as you can. Do exercises that give you joy and are a fun challenge. Everyone's journey is different. I work out to be stronger.

How has Peloton impacted your relationship with your physical and mental health?

Physical activity really helps me! I was a varsity team swimmer, swam competitively from age 8 to senior year in college. I experienced a bad burnout, and took a break. It was really a pleasure to rediscover my love for exercising and active lifestyle as an adult through Peloton. Especially with having anxiety and depression—endorphins from exercises help!

Obviously, the endorphins from exercises are so awesome. I also really enjoy Peloton's mediations. I love picking up on neat techniques that I can use again and again in my own time. Peloton allows me to get into mediation like I've never been before—I've tried reading books, watching videos, etc., but it is not always accessible, and it is not the same as actually following along with instructors.

Can you think of a time when an instructor said something that really stuck with you?

I really like this by Matt Wilpers: "Take control of your workout, and make the decision to succeed." I appreciate the wide options on the Peloton App and Bike that allows me to customize my journey. Coming from doing workouts entirely on coaches' decisions to making my own decisions—that was challenging as I am not used to doing things solo. Peloton really helps me to feel like I am not working out alone, helps me to stay motivated and disciplined. I feel like I learned so much more about exercising through Peloton. I feel like I have a much better relationship with my body.

What’s something that’s surprised you about Peloton?

Accessibility! I really, really, really appreciate subtitles on all on-demand classes! As a deaf person, I face a lot of barriers in the sports world due to inaccessibility. The majority of group exercising clubs do not have sign language interpreters nor subtitles. I tried following some other online video instructors, but the lack of subtitles really hindered it. (Even with automatic subtitles, the barrier is still there, because the auto-subtitles are not always accurate.) I did not always know which muscle to work on, what it is supposed to feel like, where it is supposed to burn, etc. With Peloton, I could do the exercises much more accurately, especially with stretching! I have worn out shoulders (my speciality in swimming was butterfly, go figure). I am really happy that so far, I've gotten no shoulder injuries, because Peloton really helped me to understand better and to take it at the right challenging pace.

I also have a balance issue. I really appreciate the Peloton instructors encouraging us to do what works for us. I feel less shameful for using a wall or a chair for support, especially while doing lunges. And it allows me to enjoy biking much more, as it is much safer to bike using my Peloton Bike than out there in a busy city. My city, Toronto, is awesome with bike lanes and occasionally closing specific roads for ActiveTO events, where we can bike on the road without worrying about cars. But still, not all drivers are mindful of bikers, and everyone always assumes that I am hearing, therefore I can hear them honking or coming—I could not. Sometimes I've had to swerve quickly to get out of danger, but it is challenging to do that with balance issue.

What accessibility efforts that Peloton has made have the most impact on you?

Subtitles! And I am really thrilled that Peloton has added subtitling to the live rides. And I appreciate the Peloton App, which allows me to connect to TV using Apple TV. That allows me to have the options of looking at TV, or looking down or to the side at my phone, allowing me to follow along what instructors are saying. Especially with planks! I appreciate knowing when I can be done with planks!

Joanna G.

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What is your personal workout philosophy?

It has changed over the years. Initially, it was about looking a certain way, but that never worked out, because I always ended up getting burned out and giving up. Now my workout philosophy is do what you can, and that is more than enough. Balance is everything

How has Peloton impacted your relationship with your physical and mental health?

Being active at age 44 allows me to be happy, present for myself and my family and a bit more flexible...however, not as flexible as Hannah Corbin! Since I started working out using Peloton platform, I gradually started to accept myself as who I am, and that being a specific size or number does not define who I am as a person. Peloton has helped me build a better relationship with myself.

Can you think of a time when an instructor said something that really stuck with you?

There are so many things each instructor has said. But on the top of my head, Christine says, "I am I can I will I do." I take that to heart and use that to remind myself of what I am capable of, regardless of my disability as a deaf person. That quote has stuck with me ever since I started Peloton. In addition to Bradley Rose being a new favorite, I love how he reminds me that taking time for myself is the reward. My favorite funny quote is from Denis Morton, who says, "If you can't be good, be careful."

What’s something that’s surprised you about Peloton?

Meditation! I did not think I would enjoy meditation as much as I do. Even though I do not close my eyes to follow the traditional meditation, the guidance given by the instructors really does help me pause and reset. Who knew that 5 minutes of meditating really makes all the difference in the world!

Also, on the fun side, I did not think I would be addicted to those blue dots for my daily streak! I am surprised I stuck with Peloton longer than any other workout platform. I am also surprised that my Peloton Bike has not been used as a clothes rack at all. It is my sanctuary for my "me time."

What accessibility efforts that Peloton has made have the most impact on you?

Before Peloton, I had always enjoyed working out for my physical and mental health, and have had years of experience working out in a gym. Sadly, I never had full access to what the instructors were saying, due to my deafness. I always needed to arrive to class to secure a spot up front so I could see the instructor's lips as I can lip read but it is not always effective especially when the instructor looks away or has the microphone covering up their lips. It was always a struggle. One day I injured myself at the gym because I missed the cues on how to do the specific workout. I ended up leaving the gym and doing my workouts at home, as I did not feel safe working out without full access to information.

I have tried a variety of at-home workouts since leaving the gym, and when I found out that Peloton added subtitles to the on demand workouts, I was thrilled—but I also wanted to make sure Peloton had top-notch subtitles, meaning subtitling the instructors’ fun comments and stories they share while delivering their material during the workouts. That was my deciding factor for purchasing a Peloton Bike. Peloton has come a long way for providing access for the deaf community. I just recently learned about the live classes having subtitles, however I have not attempted to do the live classes yet, as I prefer the on demand for now. It would be cool for a shoutout someday in a live class. I want my shoutout to be captioned with subtitles!

Rachel B.

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What is your personal workout philosophy?

Working out is a part of my life—I am not doing it for others, but for myself. It makes me feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. I feel humbled that my body allows me to work out consistently. I respect my body by giving it what it needs: working out, recovery and proper fueling.

How has Peloton impacted your relationship with your physical and mental health?

I'm riding on a 67-week streak with my Peloton Bike, not because I want more badges, but working out really is a big part of my wellbeing. Working out and being active is just a part of my life—I don't look at working out as a chore, but rather something I need to do, like eating and sleeping! When I go a few days in a row without working out, I see differences immediately... I don't feel good mentally and physically, I am tired, I get in a funk. Working out helps me to stay on top of things in all aspects of my life!

Having the convenience of working out at home is so important to me. It started because of the pandemic, but now with a new stressful job, it is such a time-saver to workout at home at any hour! When I become stressed at work, it becomes so easy to skip workouts. However when I do that, I see immediate negative impacts in my life... [with Peloton] it is easier to just suck it up and get a workout in!

Can you think of a time when an instructor said something that really stuck with you?

Matt Wilpers is a big favorite of mine, I love his Power Zone classes! He said, "No one told you to be here, and if they did, maybe it is time to reevaluate that relationship." I loved this one—this is so true for me, I only workout for myself. Nobody is telling me to workout. I do it for me and myself. I am my biggest motivator. Throughout my experience with working out, the only way to be consistent and sustainable in your workouts is if you're doing it for yourself, not others.

Matt and Jess Sims (my favorite strength instructor) often talk about how big of a privilege it is to be able to work out—that is so true. We shouldn't perceive working out as a chore, but a privilege that has been given to us and it is completely up to us to capitalize on that.

What’s something that’s surprised you about Peloton?

I'm a big gym person, I like working out with other people. I like watching other people work out and be inspired by them. I didn't think I would be able to stick with Peloton for so long, but with so many new classes and the community, it really does feel like I work out with other people by my side in a gym!

What accessibility efforts that Peloton has made have the most impact on you?

The subtitles on all on-demand classes are definitely the biggest impact. At the beginning of the pandemic, I chose Peloton solely because they had subtitles for all their classes. No other company had that. Peloton just added subtitles to their live classes and I'm really excited for the potential of it!

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

img-1-International Day of Persons with Disabilities

United In Strength: Get to know some of the Peloton members who work out together under Tags like #DisabilityStrong and #MentalHealthWarriors.

Image of member who uses a screenreader

Strength, Cycling and Screen Readers: Meet five blind and low vision Peloton Members using assistive technology to reach their fitness goals.

A member that uses subtitles

Sweating with Subtitles: Get to know how four deaf and hard of hearing Members are using subtitles to improve their physical and mental fitness.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
