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I Love Power Zone Classes, But My Week Doesn't Stop There

I Love Power Zone Classes, But My Week Doesn't Stop There

Meet Kaya T. on the Leaderboard for a week of Power Zone rides and so much more.

By Kaya T. & Team PelotonUpdated 1 October 2021


About Me

My name: Kaya T.

Find me on the Leaderboard: KayaSpins

I’ve been a Peloton Member since: October 2019

I use the: Bike and App

My occupation: Software Engineer

To introduce myself: I'm an app developer who loves creating and contributing to software that helps benefit people's lives. Outside of coding, I am also a public speaker and writer. Peloton has been an incredible part of my fitness journey, I'm also a certified personal trainer & aspiring triathlete!

A recent fitness achievement I’m proud of: I recently took my 4th FTP test, this time around was the first time I had a specific goal I was hoping to reach and I was able to meet my goal! The FTP test is hard, but it's worth it to see all the hours of power zone training really show results in the end.

My most frequent class taken: 45 min Power Zone Endurance Rides with Matt WilpersMy advice to other Peloton Members: Consistency and discipline over motivation, I'm not always motivated but I'm determined to keep my habit of movement and wellness so that pushes me through those moments.

My favorite…

  • Instructors: Ally Love, Matt Wilpers, Robin Arzon, Cody Rigsby and Tunde Oyeneyin

  • Recovery day class: Stretching

  • Class playlist genre: Hip-Hop + R&B

  • Post-workout snack: Popcorn

  • Time to workout: Morning

My Week


  • 45 min Power Zone Ride with Matt Wilpers

  • 5 min Cool Down Ride with Matt Wilpers

  • 5 min Post Ride Stretch with Matt Wilpers

  • 10 min Focus Flow: Quads with Kristin McGee

In the morning I woke up, put on my workout clothes and had a quick gel pack and some water to start my day. Even though I work out first thing in the morning, I use the gel packs to try to get some carbs in before I ride—I find that I perform better with some fuel versus riding fasted. Then I hopped on the Bike for a 45 minute Power Zone ride with Matt Wilpers. Right now, I'm doing the 8 week Power Zone Challenge with the Black Power Zone Riders team, #Drumline389. We do 3 Power Zone rides a week. I like doing Power Zone classes because they're structured and focused on staying at a particular intensity for a longer amount of time. I really like endurance activities so I prefer riding for longer and staying in my zones!

“After the ride I did a 5 min Cool Down Ride, followed by a 5 min Post Ride Stretch. I try my best to do both of these things after every ride to aid in recovery. Right after, I brought out my yoga mat and did a quick 10 min Yoga Flow focused on quads with Kristin McGee. I like to get my workouts done first thing in the morning so I can start my day energized, and I don't have to worry about when I can fit a workout in during the work day or after work. After my workout I'll shower and then make breakfast before jumping into work which usually starts with a daily standup of all the engineers, the product manager, designer and managers that make up my team.


  • 15 min Groove Ride with Cody Rigsby

  • 10 min Arms & Shoulder Strength with Andy Speer

Tuesday morning I did a 15 min Groove Ride with Cody Rigsby and then a 10 min Arms & Shoulder Strength class with Andy Speer. After both workouts, I did a full body stretch class. Now that all my workouts are at home and I don't have access to weight lifting equipment I used to use at the gym, I'm trying to incorporate more strength classes into my routine. So doing quick strength workouts ensures I'll do it and is helping me build back the habit of doing strength work. I love riding so doing a 10 or 15 minute ride before a strength class is a great warm up for me. Cody's Groove rides are always a good time and served as a way to get me pumped for the strength class.


  • 45 min Power Zone Ride with Denis Morton

  • 10 min Cool Down Ride with Denis Morton

  • 5 min Full Body Stretch with Denis Morton

Wednesday morning I had some earlier meetings, so I wasn't able to do my usual morning workout routine. Instead, I worked out in the evening. I do prefer morning workouts, because I find myself feeling more groggy throughout the day if I don't do a morning workout. After work at about 4 PM I did a 45 min Power Zone Ride with Denis Morton then a 10 min Cool Down Ride and 5 min Post Ride Stretch. The ride was a little higher in intensity so I needed a longer cool down ride to make sure I was fully ready to recover. After the ride I showered and made some dinner before settling down for the rest of the evening.


  • 15 min Feel Good Ride with Ally Love

  • 15 min Lower Body Strength with Robin Arzón

I started off Thursday morning with a 15 min Feel Good Ride with Ally Love. Ally's my favorite instructor, so even when I'm doing a structured program like the Power Zone Pack I try to get at least one ride in with Ally a week! Her Feel Good rides are a great mix of fun and hard work. I used this class as a warm up before a 15 min Lower Body Strength with Robin. I loved that Robin focused on functional movements like the deadlift and squat in this class. I miss lifting with the barbell, but I'm warming up to using more dumbbells through the strength classes. Sometimes I take them on the Bike with my mat next to it or on my TV in the living room using the Roku. After my workout I get ready for the day, eat breakfast and then start work.


I usually make sure I get at least one full rest day a week to make sure I'm giving my body full opportunity to recover. I slept in a little bit longer on Friday and then got ready for the day. After breakfast I got started on my work day. After the work day it was time to start the weekend!


  • 60 min Power Zone Endurance Ride with Matt Wilpers

  • 5 min Post-Ride Stretch with Matt Wilpers

  • 15 min Core Strength with Olivia Amato

  • 10 min Standing Yoga with Chelsea Jackson Roberts

On the weekends I get up a little later than weekdays, but I still do a morning workout in order to set me up feeling good and energized for the rest of the day. This Saturday I did a 60 minute Power Zone Endurance Ride with Matt Wilpers. I love longer rides on the weekend, they really make me feel accomplished. Usually I try to get a longer ride in on the Peloton bike and on my outdoor road bike. After the 60 minute ride, I stretched and then did a 15 minute Core Strength class with Olivia Amato. Olivia is tough, but in a good way! Core classes are the hardest for me and Olivia really pushed me with that class. Afterwards I decided to center myself with a 10 minute Standing Yoga class with Chelsea Jackson Roberts. I loved the class because it can be done anywhere! When I was in the office I used to do the chair or standing yoga classes at my desk sometimes if I felt sore or stagnant from sitting too long. Definitely want to make sure I'm adding back some of the Yoga Anywhere classes into my weekly routines. Saturday was a relaxing day after my workout.


  • 30 min Power Zone Endurance Ride with Matt Wilpers

  • 5 min Cool Down Ride with Matt Wilpers

  • 5 min Post Ride Stretch

I'd initially planned to take the entire day off but I didn't. Instead, I decided to do a late morning 30 min PZ [Power Zone] Endurance Ride with Matt from 6/28/20. The ride was comfortable and easy on my legs. I followed it with one of a 5 min Cool Down Ride and 5 min Post Ride Stretch, both with Matt as well!

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I Love Power Zone Classes, but My Week Doesn't Stop There: Meet Kaya T. on the Leaderboard for a week of Power Zone rides and so much more.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
