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5 PeloMoms Who Work Out With Their Kids

5 PeloMoms Who Work Out With Their Kids

When it comes to workouts, Mother knows best

By Amy Gurvitz Updated 25 June 2020


For Peloton moms who train alongside their kids, workouts are a family affair. They’re also a bonding experience. A friendly competition. A chance to cheer each other on. Below, we’re celebrating a few of our favorite mother-and-child teams.

“We hold each other accountable.”

For Yolanda Mines and her teenage sons, fitness is a common bond—and an opportunity for everyone to push their limits to achieve their goals. She, Taiden, and Amari train on the Bike and Tread, frequently choosing Alex’s cycling classes and bootcamp and running classes led by Jess and Chase.

“I enjoy watching them be excited about fitness,” says Yolanda. “I don’t have to tell them to work out; they find the classes that are needed for their individual goals. For Taiden, seeing how Peloton has improved his athletic performance in such a short time has been amazing. He came home from a training session one day and said, ‘I can’t believe I didn’t get tired out there!’

Yolanda’s 5-to-6 days a week workout schedule rivals that of her athletic sons. “Peloton has created multiple avenues for us to improve our health and fitness together,” she states. “We hold each other accountable and Peloton is part of our normal routine. It’s really cool that we have found something that we are passionate about and have fun doing.”

What do her sons enjoy most about doing Peloton workouts with her? “I’d have to say the competition! It’s fun comparing our stats,” she says. “I enjoy competing with her,” admits Taiden. “I always win, especially now that I have done the Power Zone program and am working on the Tabata program.”

“It gives us something in common,” says Amari. “And we have been able to learn more about fitness together.”

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Yolanda Mines (docyolanda), Columbia, SC

“Sundays are mother-daughter yoga days.”

Cristobel von Walstrom and her daughter, Celeste, took “mom and me” yoga classes when Celeste was young. The duo have recently picked up where they left off by adding a weekly Peloton yoga date to their busy schedules.

“Sundays are mother-daughter yoga days,” says Cristobel. “Yoga has become one of our cornerstones, and I love putting our mats side by side and working through poses together. I’ve been doing yoga for years, and I think she’s enjoying sharing it with me.”

The feeling is mutual, indeed. Adds Celeste, now 16, “With Peloton, we are able to do yoga in our living room together at any time, reigniting the passion we had for yoga and continuing with the memories we used to make.”

During the week, they each ride the Bike, encouraging each other to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. “She recommended I try HIIT or Tabata rides even though I was nervous to do anything other than the music rides,” says Celeste. “When I took her advice and tried one, it opened up an entirely new side of Peloton that I learned to love.”

Their shared love for Peloton has made it easier for sometimes-difficult conversations to take place. “As a close mother-daughter pair, we’ve always been able to talk about anything—but body image has been the most challenging,” admits Cristobel. “Using our Peloton and focusing on fitness has helped us open our dialogue about what it means to have a healthy body, and why that’s the healthiest way to focus on your body. It’s eased the conversation around whether it’s more important for a body to look a certain way or be able to perform—always a tough conversation with a teenage girl.”

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Cristobel von Walstrom (CT_aviatrix), NYC Metro area

“Peloton gives us so much to talk about!”

Peloton workouts have been a bonding experience for Tina T. of Raleigh, NC and her two daughters, 20-year-old Taylor and Morgan, 18, and are something they love to do together. While Tina rides the Bike, the girls will do dance cardio or yoga together using the app on the TV, then Taylor will hop on the Bike while Tina hits the floor. “We have literally spent hours in our bonus room taking turns,” Tina says.

Peloton has also served as a conversation starter between Tina and her daughters, who were both teens when they got the Bike. “The Peloton gives us so much to talk about,” states Tina. “At their ages, it's so hard to ‘connect,’ but something as simple as ‘Ally said this on a ride,’ or ‘Alex played this song, do you know it?’ can spark even more conversation.”

Taylor echoes her mom’s sentiments. “I enjoy having a Peloton with my mom because we get to have this experience just between us.” she says. “We talk about all the instructors and who we enjoy riding with and what rides have the best music. Peloton has brought my mom and I closer because it’s something that we talk about almost every day, even when I’m at college! It’s almost like a secret code between us.”

That’s not to say there isn’t some friendly competition from time to time. “Taylor loves to try to do a ride I have done and see how close she can get to my output,” says Tina. Adds Taylor, “She mostly pokes at me that she gets the better output, but that’s because she gets on the Bike everyday and has passed me in stamina now!”

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“We encourage one another and applaud our victories.”

“It all started when my husband bought me the Bike and they watched me fall in love with it,” says Jussara Potter of Syracuse, NY, about how her family became her biggest Peloton fans. Her husband Douglas also works out with Peloton now, making it a true family affair.

Douglas and Nathan, 16, usually opt for the scenic rides, while Jussara enjoys instructor-led cycling. And now with family fitness classes available, Peloton is helping both parents and children achieve the health and fitness goals they set as a family. “I like seeing my kids adopting a healthy lifestyle,” says Jussara. “We bond around the common goal of the entire family living a healthier lifestyle in 2020.”

Mom is cheering her kids on every step of the way, and they do the same for her. “We encourage one another and applaud our victories,” she says. “Peloton has helped keep us motivated.”

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
