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What Makes A Peloton Class So Special?

What Makes A Peloton Class So Special?

Our community explains.

By Chrisanne GriseUpdated 19 December 2019

Ask any of our members what they love about their sweat sessions, and they’ll tell you there’s something unique about a Peloton class. Some people rave about the convenience of working out in their living room, while others are drawn to the warm, welcoming vibe of the instructors. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: a Peloton class is way more fun than you’d expect. We asked our community to explain why they love working out with Peloton.

I Get to Stay in the Comfort of My Home

“I don’t have to drive, I don’t have to park, I don’t have to check the weather, I don’t have to go online to pre-register and pay for a class spot, and I don’t have to see people in person so I don’t have to care how I look or how I’m dressed. I always tell people it’s like being in a live class with everyone. I feel like I’m there, but I’m in my own home getting next-level training.” Susan B, Austin, TX

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Photo via Member Ashlee C.

The Instructors Are So Much Fun to Hang Out With

“Just the education I get from Matt Wilpers during rides is worth more than the subscription! The instructors have gotten us through some of our worst minutes, supporting and coaching, while having no idea we consider them BFFs. And we can hang with them at our convenience!” Allison L, Tampa, FL

I’m Part of a Community

“The best part is working out with my Peloton friends that are all over the country. The camaraderie is what makes the experience for me. These friendships that started with the Bike and the Tread have grown into so much more than that, and I cherish these real and meaningful connections I've made and continue to make.” Erica D, South Beach, FL

There’s a Workout For Every Mood

“The best thing about Peloton is that it’s there for me when I’m ready. I can pick my intensity, music type, and vibe. It provides whatever I need, when I need it!” Shanna F, Kansas City, MO

Everyone’s Welcome to Join

“It is 100 percent inclusive. Everyone—and I mean everyone—can participate to the best of their abilities while always feeling like a rock star. The encouragement each instructor gives over the screen truly feels like it is meant for me (even when I know thousands of others feel it is unique to them).” Danielle R, Toronto, Canada

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The Classes Help Me Through Rough Patches

“I came to the Peloton Bike at a particularly low point in my life and health. It allowed me to rebuild little by little, doing what I could do. At that time in my life, going to a conventional spin class in-person wouldn't have worked; I couldn't have physically done a cookie cutter 45- to 60-minute class and would have been embarrassed. The Bike allowed me to rebuild doing workouts that worked for me. Also, the instructors are like counselors. They helped me to reframe some thoughts so they could be positive. ‘I am, I can, I will, I do’ is my go-to when things get rough. The Tread did the same thing for me—I was able to rebuild my running ability. Thanks to Peloton, I'm in the best shape of my adult life and couldn't be happier.” Sarah L, Andover, NH

The Music Keeps Me Grooving

“Riding my Peloton Bike is like being at the best party in town, with Jenn Sherman as the DJ (her music is off the charts!) and my friends on the Leaderboard dancing. The bonus is I get fit and my music knowledge grows every day.” David B, Dallas,TX

I’m Free to Be Me

“I'm able to be my whole self on the Bike. I don't have to edit myself as I would in a room full of stationary bikes. Sometimes that means I curse at the top of my lungs at the end of a hard push, sometimes I’m doing dance moves, and sometimes Christine D’Ercole says something amazing that makes me cry. And I can do it all on my Peloton!” Kristine E, Bellingham, WA

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.