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I Found My People Through Peloton

I Found My People Through Peloton

One solo exerciser learned that leaning on community has benefits both on and off the Bike.

By Colleen TraversUpdated 24 November 2020


Watching your Bike or Tread screen flick on for the first time is exciting—especially when you see all the robust community features, including high fives, a live Leaderboard and Tags. Even if you’re not usually a social butterfly, those features can make you a stronger athlete. Here’s how Member Kirsten Q. found her Peloton people, even in the midst of a major life moment.

The Bump and the Bike

“We bought our Bike in January 2020, and I found out a week later I was pregnant,” Kirsten says. “I was happy to have an at-home workout tool, but with first trimester headaches, I couldn’t ride the Bike at all.” She was finally able to start riding in March, but as a former gym junkie, she was used to sweating solo, not needing much motivation to stick to her routine. “I didn’t really think finding a community within Peloton would be necessary,” she says. “Any time I worked out, I kept to myself, did my routine and left. What was the point of building a community if I didn’t actually know the person or if they had different goals than I did?”

Finding Friends in Trying Times

Kirsten stumbled upon Peloton’s Facebook groups while troubleshooting her Bike setup. “At first I just had basic questions—like ‘Do I really need a mat under my Bike?’ and ‘How do I connect it to Facebook?’—but after looking at the Official Peloton Member Page, I discovered the Pelo’s Preggos & Postpartum Mamas group,” she says. “It’s been such a blessing, because being pregnant during a pandemic has been extremely isolating. Joining this group has given me a space to ask questions without judgement that I would have asked during pre-birth classes, which are not an option during quarantine.”

The group also helps hold each other accountable when it comes to keeping up their workouts. “We have a weekly ride that all Members are invited to, and I love seeing names on the Leaderboard of those I’ve chatted with. It’s really helped to foster a feeling of connection during this time,” Kirsten says.

Reconnecting With Old Friends

Kirsten quickly discovered that she would rarely be lonely on a ride. “When I connected my Bike to Facebook, I started noticing friends in my social network I had lost touch with,” she says. “I found one friend in particular who had moved away, and I joke that she is my Peloton mentor. We ride together every Saturday, and she encouraged me to join a challenge.”

Thanks to a little boost from old friends and new, Kirsten is signed up for a Power Zone Pack Challenge and is 10 rides away from hitting her Century Ride, all while pregnant. “Getting ready to hit this milestone and even thinking about doing a challenge is proof that I can push myself to become a better athlete with the right people behind me, whether I know them in real life or not,” she says.

Keeping an Eye on the Tags

Even if you’re wary of social media, Kirsten says it’s possible to find a group every time you ride thanks to Tags. “I feel an immediate camaraderie when I get on the Bike and see tags about where I live (#Nova) or related to my job (#PeloLawMoms),” she says. “I like to compete with those riders’ outputs and support them with high fives. Seeing how many people I have similarities with helps me remember that I’m not doing this alone.”

Ready to build your community? Explore more Tags here.

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