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Read This if You’re Considering Taking an Active Vacation

Read This if You’re Considering Taking an Active Vacation

Wherever you’re headed, Peloton can help you get ready for your next adventure.

By Colleen TraversUpdated 28 September 2021


When most people think of going on vacation, they have visions of white sandy beaches and frozen cocktails at the ready. And while you certainly can (and should) do that, there’s something extremely rewarding about planning a fitness-focused vacation—both for your physical health and mental well-being.

“Active vacations are where real memories are made,” says Peloton instructor Denis Morton. “Relaxation is great, and rest is important, but the best memories—the ones that really stick—are from the hike, run, bike ride or surf session you had with your family or friends.”

Member Heather H. realized the value of a fitness vacation with the help of her children. “I’m a mother to three girls, so our vacations always had an active element to them, but also plenty of beach or pool time,” Heather says. But “when my middle daughter moved to Denver, that became a vacation destination for me a few times a year. The first time we went hiking, I thought I was going to die right there on the mountain. I told her I needed to add cardio into my life so I could fully enjoy future trips to see her, and that led me to get and start training with a Peloton Bike.”

Heather’s friend, Member Patrick M., also has his kids to thank. After extending a few work trips to include sightseeing and hitting the slopes with his skiing-loving sons, he decided to tap into his Peloton Bike and the Peloton App to maximize his time off.

Inspired to plan an active vacation of your own? Here’s how to use Peloton to prep, plus some pro tips for all your upcoming fit travels.

Tap Into Power Zone Rides

Both Heather and Patrick say one of the best tools that helps them train and prepare for an active vacation is Power Zone training. These rides are focused on achieving specific output levels at different times throughout a class to improve your strength, endurance and overall performance.

“I recently did my first metric century bike ride (100K),” Patrick says. “It was a hilly course and there were people walking their bikes up the final hill. The structure of the Power Zone rides helped me complete the ride in a respectable time and still have energy to enjoy the after party.”

These classes might also make you feel more adventurous. “For me, Power Zone classes have helped me to not fear taking a bike out and exploring whatever area we are traveling to,” Heather says. “When I first started taking Power Zone rides, I remember Peloton instructor Matt Wilpers saying that he came back more refreshed and energized after taking an active vacation. I was skeptical, but after trying it I couldn’t agree more. I truly enjoy feeling the mental and physical benefits of movement throughout the day.”

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Squeeze in Strength Training

Cardio can certainly help with endurance as you enjoy an active vacation, but Patrick and Heather say pairing rides on the Peloton Bike with strength training on the Peloton App has helped them do activities they normally wouldn’t have even tried in the past.

“The strength workouts help me feel confident that my arms won’t give out on a kayaking adventure and that my legs can handle a challenging hike,” Heather says. “Overall, it’s just a feeling of confidence that allows me say, ‘Yes, let’s try that!’”

Patrick adds the regular strength training has let him have experiences he otherwise wouldn’t be able to have. “We celebrated Heather’s 50th birthday in Door County, Wisconsin,” he says. “We did a kayak tour out to Cave Point on Lake Michigan and got to paddle into a cave. The highlight though was my first attempt at stand-up paddleboarding. The waters were calm, but I was able to stand up and paddle without falling.”

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Don’t Forget to Plan

Sweat all you want in preparation for an active vacation—but make sure you also have time to map out before what you’ll be doing once you get there. “Do some research not only on what activities you want to do, but what the weather will be, and any specifics (like water shoes or hiking boots) that you may need,” Denis suggests. “Keep in mind what type of vacationer you are—if relaxation is important to you, make sure not to overschedule yourself.”

“Start small and add one active component a day,” adds Heather. “Take a moment to appreciate what your body lets you accomplish and most importantly, eat that dessert after dinner. You’ve earned it!”

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
