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11 Members Share How Peloton Powers Them Through Tough Times

11 Members Share How Peloton Powers Them Through Tough Times

Get together, get moving, get happy.

By Amy Gurvitz (#AmyG_)Updated March 24, 2020


A devastating virus. Social distancing. Economic uncertainty. School and city shutdowns. Everywhere you look, there seems to be more bad news. People are feeling down—and levels of anxiety, stress and sadness are up. It’s not all bad, though. Now more than ever, Members are taking “together we go far” to heart, leaning in to the Peloton community to help power them through tough times. Here are just 11 of the many inspiring stories we’ve heard.

Stephanie Jue (#SeriouslySpicy), Cleveland, OH

“During these trying times, my anxiety of the unknown has been increasingly high. The Peloton community has helped me continue my routine through group rides and runs. All of us coming together in our homes to be on the Leaderboard together and encourage each other is undeniably amazing. It reminds us that we are not alone, that in this time of social isolation we are not socially isolated! Lately, the meditation classes have been my saving grace. They have kept me grounded when my world seems to be spinning out of my control.”

Marci Patton (#BooCrewMom), Puyallup, WA

“I’m in Washington, the heart of the coronavirus frontline. I’m a graduate student in mental health and it physically hurts to see and hear the pain of others. Our community has been shut down. Schools have been shut down for at least six weeks, as has church. I feel immense guilt over not being able to complete the work needed for the graduate classes my family has sacrificed monumentally for me to take. Recently, I dragged myself, still in my pajamas, to the Bike and clipped in. I focused on the words of the instructor, ‘I know it’s hard, but you can do this.” And, “Feel what you need to feel, then let it go.’ Now more than ever, the Peloton virtual community is a blessing.”

Danielle Stoddard (#DaniPop), Salt Lake City, UT

“Before gyms started closing, our 27-year-old son decided it would be best to stop going so he could practice social distancing. He now comes to ‘mom and dad’s gym’ to work out daily. We get to talk and hang out before and after his workouts. It’s so nice to see his face and not just get the ‘I’m fine’ texts. We also have a competitive 16-year-old, and since big brother has been riding, she’s using the Bike more frequently. For me personally, the Peloton community has been a godsend. I did a live ride this morning and even though I wasn’t with my fellow riders physically, I knew we were there for each other mentally. It’s amazing what a high five can do.”

Latesha Osborne (#Spins4moscato), Georgetown, KY

“I’m a travel RN and my Bike is my saving grace. I use my Peloton as a way to get out my frustrations. I’m so very thankful I have my #boocrew family to support me and get me through this time. I’m currently working hospice, but could be pulled to a different unit at any moment—that’s what is so scary. I have so many friends who are on floors that are right in the thick of things. The Bike is what keeps me going. I can get on and cry, scream and sweat. I don’t get on daily, as I work the night shift, and some days I’m just exhausted. On those days, I try to find time to do a meditation. This Bike that goes nowhere and this community have truly saved me.”

Brooke Kim (#The_HBIC), Pleasant Prairie, WI

“I work out with Peloton most every night after I put my seven-year-old and five-year-old to bed. It’s my time to decompress after balancing everything else in my life. When I throw my headphones on, I have the space in my head to just be. I am a better wife, mom and leader for my family when I take this time for me. My best friend and I went from seeing each other every day to not being able to see each other in person, and we will turn on our video and ride together. Sometimes the instructor will say something that makes us laugh, or sometimes we just motivate each other, encouraging each other ‘face to face’ to not give up when the going gets hard.”

"Peloton has offered me an escape, an escape to focus on me and my fitness and an opportunity to shut out the world around us, even if only for a 30-minute ride."

-Deanna Hizon

img-1-11 Members Share How Peloton Powers Them Through Tough Times

Amy Koch (#AmyNeverQuits), Destin, FL

“My Peloton Tread and Bike are keeping me smiling as a teacher out of school right now, and a mom of three humans and four dogs. We are organizing rides together, meeting new people and creating friendships and hope. We share ideas to keep the kids engaged, all while having that same moment of movement that gives us strength to know we will get through this. People are losing their jobs, are sick, are scared, and sometimes all they need is a person or group in their corner reminding them that we have this.

It’s been amazing—although we are in a crisis, my life has in an odd way been filled with great hope and less isolation due to the Peloton family. I encourage everyone to reach out to someone. Find your community and introduce yourself, as we all need to stick together.”

Matt Kennedy (#UrMaineSqueeze), Derry, NH

“I try to find humor in most things, though I don't take social distancing and making sure I do my part to flatten the curve lightly. My wife and I have had to convert our home into work spaces and are trying to keep things as lighthearted, yet structured, as possible. The one thing we aren’t changing is our focus on health and fitness. Both of us working from home means 24 hours of togetherness. We are both Peloton users so it’s our chance to escape reality, sweat, laugh and get any stress out. Through it all, I have the Peloton community to connect and socialize with—without having to worry about spreading germs.”

Deanna Hizon (#PiaMarie07), Papillion, NE

“Peloton is serving so many purposes for me. I am now working from home full-time and we’re quarantining our family, including my 10-year-old and two-year-old. Peloton has offered me an escape, an escape to focus on me and my fitness and an opportunity to shut out the world around us, even if only for a 30-minute ride. As a Marine Corps veteran, fitness is important and something I’m trying hard to focus on right now. That aside, and perhaps most important, Peloton isn’t just a Bike or treadmill. It’s a community, and one that I have infinite love and support through. It creates endless opportunities for me without having to leave the walls of my home.”

Vanessa Soto (#VaneRides4Ritas), Merrick, NY

“The instructors give me self-confidence and support me through difficult times. These people are my therapists, career counselors, mentors and coaches. The Peloton community is keeping me accountable and on the Bike. Now that I am confined to working from home for the foreseeable future, I ride daily and do floor workouts between meetings. Three of my close friends and I get on the Bike together as much as possible. We are rarely able to meet in person because of the craziness in our lives, but this Bike keeps us connected. I am never short of riding buddies, including a Facebook friend in California who I have never actually met in the four years we’ve been accountability buddies. The connectedness is something that nowhere else has been able to create.”

Stefanie Schaeder (#IntentionalLyfe), Kelowna, British Columbia

“My Bike has been a sanity saver. Little did I know when I bought my Peloton in December that we would be in the state of self-isolation and insecurity that we are now. When I got the Bike, it was because all my fitness places were 30 minutes away and I was looking forward to gaining an hour a day in transit time. I had no idea about the supportive community I was about to join. Here, strangers meet and become each others’ cheerleaders on the Bike that goes nowhere. We support each other, revel in each other’s accomplishments and motivate one another. We all have our own experiences, but together we go far!”

Brad Holcman (#BradNeedsAbs), Katonah, NY

“Physical and mental health is so important in times like this, especially when you are quarantined. Peloton allows me to have a like-minded community at my fingertips that I otherwise wouldn't have. It reminds me that it's ok to take care of yourself, and by taking care of yourself you have the ability to take care of others. While we are all at home figuring out a new normal for the short term, I’ve been organizing ‘swarm rides’ to give people something to look forward to, a reason to get on the Bike and take care of yourself, knowing you'll have a community riding with you. I'm so humbled that the community has responded—200 people riding an inspiring on-demand ride together is truly incredible.”

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
