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Ask A Member: Question 1

Ask A Member: Question 1

By PelotonUpdated January 10, 2021


Last week, we put up an Instagram Story with a question for our Members: “What surprised you most about having a Peloton Membership?” We got thousands of great responses, so we broke them into the most common themes. So, what surprised our Members the most about Peloton?


While many Members initially bought their Peloton Bike or Tread with cycling or running in mind, they discovered their All-Access Membership offers them so much more. From HIIT cardio to Pilates to sleep meditation, Members fell in love with the breadth of classes available on the Peloton platform and on the Peloton App on mobile, TV, and web.

Member Kristen L. appreciates that Peloton's variety allows her to be flexible in her fitness routine as a new mom: "Whatever class you're looking for, whatever level of difficulty or length of time—Peloton has the class for you.”

Member Claire M. never knew she’d love strength, yoga, and stretching as much as cardio: “I knew cycling was the perfect fit for me, but I was always intimidated by weight lifting. Thanks to Andy Speer’s Total Strength program, I learned the basic moves the right way and now enjoy strength classes 3-4 times per week.”

Member Alex O. was surprised to love the variety of classes on the App, which comes in handy as a kindergarten teacher who is always looking for a way to re-energize for her students: “No matter where I am, I can always find a way to ‘Peloton.’ I love sweating it out on the Bike, but also love strength workouts or a quick outdoor run. I even use meditation when I can’t sleep at night or after a long day.”

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A lot of our Members voiced previous struggles with consistency in their workout routines. Maybe they’d tried different gym memberships or routines in the past that didn’t quite stick, but after joining Peloton they discovered their inner strength to show up and make their fitness routine a priority.

Member Lauren B. hadn’t had a consistent exercise routine for nearly 40 years, until she got her Bike three years ago: “I almost I haven’t missed a single workout in over a year now and am on something like a 71 week streak with Peloton!! I love the challenges and try to do as many as I can. I am a full time student, mother, and healthcare worker so this has saved me during this pandemic.”

Member Melanie W. was surprised to both actually enjoy working out and see who else joined the Peloton community with her: “My attitude completely changed once I bought a Peloton Bike. Each night I scroll through the giant library of classes and look at the live schedule and decide which class I am going to take the next morning…Although my husband swore he would not ride the bike if I bought him shoes, he now clips in on a daily basis as well, and we are healthier together.”

Member Rosalie R. surprised herself by how excited she is to plan her workouts: “Yes, workouts—plural! I love how easy it is to create a combination of classes that work perfectly for me on any given day, at any given time!”

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Peloton instructors’ ability to engage and motivate is another aspect of the Peloton Membership that surprised our Members the most. Their engaging personalities, expertly crafted playlists, unparalleled motivation and fitness expertise come together to make a world-class fitness experience from wherever our Members are turning in from.

Member Kristen S. was amazed by how much her fitness has improved since joining Peloton: “Before, I was a ‘single speed runner’. Becs, Chase, and Robin taught me how to have a healthy diet of endurance, interval, and tempo training. I've cut over 75 seconds off my race time in the past year—and I've had a lot of fun doing it.”

Member Kayla L. was not a fan of working out at home originally, but once she hopped into a class with some of her now-favorite instructors, she was “hooked.” She loves how instructors talk her through difficult times, craft amazing playlists to sweat to, drive her to step up her game, and even make her laugh so hard she spits her water out. “This year was the first year in my life that I have been consistent with my fitness journey and for that I must thank the Peloton instructors for motivating me to take time for myself and never give up. I’m excited for 2021!”

Member Dylan R. was hesitant to cancel her gym membership because she loved the quality of the classes and the instructors, which she hadn’t seen matched on any at-home programs s she’d tried so far: “A friend of mine talked me into Peloton, so I pulled the trigger and it’s been life changing. I’ve been a Member for around 3 months now and have become quickly obsessed. I’m so impressed with the quality of the content and the instructors. I feel like I’m getting a boutique fitness studio experience every time I take a class, and it’s important for me to feel that way in order to stay motivated.”

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We get it—we’re a fitness company. Our Members joined with the goal of using their Bike, Tread, or App to help with their fitness journeys. But, along the way, many Members discovered the mental health benefits of consistently engaging with Peloton instructors, the Peloton community, and their own bodies and minds during classes.

Member Stephanie L. unexpectedly found the motivation and strength she found on the Bike and the mat directly applied to her everyday life, which makes her a better mom, wife, and attorney: “I lost all that negative self-talk, self-doubt and judgment. I gained the ability to accept where I am RIGHT NOW, both physically and mentally. The Bike has given me an outlet to mourn tough losses, celebrate hard-earned wins, and quite literally work out my feelings (I cry on the Bike, sometimes — no shame).”

Member Lindsey S. was surprised by Peloton’s impact on her mood and mental health: “I didn't notice it until one day, I was a little grumpy and my husband told me to, ‘Go take a ride. You're a different person after you've gotten Peloton time in.’ As much as I might hate to admit he's right, he was... so, I took Emma's 30 min Holiday ride—and laughed when she said "everyone's always nicer when they workout.”

Member Randy V. was surprised to find emotional support from Peloton during a difficult year as a small business owner: “If I can’t make sure that I’m healthy physically and mentally, then what good will I be for my family? As soon as we get our kids to sleep, I make an effort to get on the bike and put it all out there. f the bike isn’t doing it for me I get on our 13+ year old treadmill, I log into our Peloton app and run any of the classes that will motivate me. The amount of stress relieved by taking any of the Cyclingor Running classes is amazing.”

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Whether through an unexpectedly motivational high five on the Leaderboard from a fellow Member, an online group, or a group text with old friends, Peloton Members were surprised at all the ways to create community virtually. Many Members had no idea what they were getting into when they started with Peloton, but over the course of their journey they found a community that supports them, keeps them accountable...and maybe provides a little friendly competition along the way.

Member Sarah G. thought she would miss her gym community after downloading the Peloton App and eventually getting the Bike, but she was surprised to find community through Peloton: “I love finding folks to ride with on Peloton: fellow Chicagoans, fellow LGBTQ community members, fellow educators—Peloton has helped me stay consistent at home.”

Member Antionetta F. describes herself as a social butterfly, which is a tough thing to be with stay-at-home orders. “I say it constantly—I would’ve never made it through this year (2 cancelled wedding dates and a cancelled honeymoon with uncertainty about what the future holds) without my “friends” at Peloton. My friends consist of everyone I’ve met in the community and all of the instructors. I have not only made new friends within the community who inspire me every day, but I even take live classes with my friends who I can’t see due to the pandemic so it’s almost like we’re hanging out and working out together!”

Member Bryan H. was surprised to find friendly competition in the Peloton community, after the marathon he was training for was cancelled and he lost the motivation to train: “The competition on race day was what really drove me to push myself. Fast forward a couple of months and my Peloton Bike was finally delivered. I love being able to compete with my friends and to push for a PR on every single ride—even better if that PR beats my friend's time. While the type of racing is different, the level of competition has stayed the same. I'm ready for 2021!”

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Some of our Members have been working out at home for years, while others have only started recently because they could no longer do their previous fitness routine. Many of our Members told us that through Peloton they’ve discovered a superior full-body workout from the comfort of their own home, which saves them both time and money.

Member Danielle L. used to be an avid boutique fitness member, going almost every day. After she decided to get the Peloton Bike in May, she decided she won’t be going back to the studio or the gym: “With all the options of strength training, running, bootcamps, and cycling, I can pick what I am in the mood for. I love being able to decide when I want to work out and what type of workout I want to do.”

Member Rebecca M. bought a Peloton Tread, and despite initial hesitation, this purchase converted a “group fitness junkie” to working out at home with Peloton from this point forward: “With Peloton I could leave behind avoiding gym classes with instructors I didn’t love, I could work out on my schedule (not theirs), and I didn’t need multiple memberships to cover the variety of classes I wanted to take. I learned what friendly competition can actually mean! Instead of being defeated when I couldn’t “beat” the person next to me in class, I found that the Peloton community high fives you when you pass them on the leaderboard! I learned that giving a virtual high five could motivate me more than any point system. The coaches are amazing and offer so much variety. I can always find a coach, a challenge, a playlist, or a motivational quote to connect with each day for an amazing workout.”

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That’s it for this week! We’d like to thank all of our Members who took the time to thoughtfully respond to this week’s question. Look out next week for our next installment of Ask A Member, where we’ll be collecting responses to the question, “What classes did you not know about initially, but now you love?”

New App trials only. Terms apply. Credit card required. After your free trial, Digital Membership is $12.99/mo plus tax. Cancel anytime.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
