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Ask A Member: Question 3

Ask A Member: Question 3

By PelotonUpdated January 17, 2021


During the month of January, we’re asking all our Members to share with us how Peloton fits into their lives, from the day they decided to purchase to how they’re hitting their goals, meeting their challenges, and building community day after day. Read parts 1 and 2 here, and read on for this week’s theme, “How do your friends and family who also work out with Peloton help keep you accountable?”

Accountability Groups

Member Kelsie M. and her friends like to work their way through Peloton’s programs together, and they send daily texts to hold each other accountable. They’re currently doing Emma Lovewell’s Crush Your Core program for the second time!

Member Tiffany R. stays connected with high school friends through Peloton. When they realized they had all bought a Bike, they created a Facebook group where they put together a class plan for each week, featuring everything from fun rides to bootcamps and core classes. Recently, they’ve been riding with the Tag #MoranStrong to honor a Member’s mom who passed away because she loved watching her daughter ride with friends.

Member Regina S. is part of a big family, and although they couldn’t all be together for the holidays this year, they were able to coordinate Peloton classes across three time zones! During December they took at least one holiday ride per week to recreate that feeling of being in the living room together, screaming out their favorite holiday songs. In total they have twelve cousins who take cycling, Pilates, yoga and strength classes together all year. They’ve opened each other up to new exercises and found new Personal Records by motivating each other on the Leaderboard.

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Routinized Schedules

Member Maia R. appreciates that Peloton gives her an opportunity to ride at the same time as her friends, colleagues, and dad. Maia and her dad, both lawyers, make time together to ride even if they have to get up at 4AM, even video chatting during the ride. Maia says that her dad’s example encouraged her to make time for herself that she wouldn’t have taken otherwise.

Member Hanah L., a high school teacher, meets her colleague on the Leaderboard at 5:30 AM every other day before school. This energizes them both for the day ahead. Knowing that they are both counting on each other to show up helps keep them both motivated and accountable. They couldn’t do it without each other!

Member Danielle S. and her family and friends choose specific times to ride each week, and they take turns picking the classes. When they meet each other on the Leaderboard, they’re always high-fiving each other and after the ride they turn to their group chat to congratulate each other and reflect on the ride.

Member Kate C. and her Peloton group of friends, family, and coworkers would never miss a live Saturday 60 min Tread Bootcamp with Jess Sims!

Member April P. and her closest friend since preschool both ride together six days a week, resting on Mondays but coordinating their times and schedule every other day!

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Group Chats

Member Eileen B. made a Peloton group text of friends from different parts of her life, who don’t all know each other, to help everyone stay accountable to their workouts—even if it’s only for five or ten minutes a day with a core class or a quick arm strength workout. They text each other every day when they finish their workout to motivate each other!

Angel M. and her coworkers have a work group chat named the “Pelotoners” and they exchange class recommendations and make plans to ride together.

Caitlin D. told us about a Peloton Slack channel at her company, Rapid7. #r7-peloton has over 100 people in the chat, and it’s always growing. They share instructor recommendations, talk about Peloton updates, and look for accountability buddies for tough Power Zone or Bike Bootcamp workouts. Caitlin said their Peloton chat is a “massive source of motivation and (friendly) competition, and provides us with a real sense of community during this highly isolating time.”

There’s also a Peloton Slack channel at Member Kathryn A’s firm. She told us that they love a Bike Bootcamp class, plan milestone rides together, and that “nothing beats a mid-ride high five from the Head of Compliance” when they’re taking a class together. Peloton has brought their company together while they’re working remotely, and they hope to continue when they transition back to the office.

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Friendly Competition

Member Brittney J. rides with her fiancé and friends, which holds her accountable to work hard, allows them to share favorite classes and provides a little friendly competition along the way—especially with the fiancé. Before joining the Peloton community, Brittney struggled with accountability with her fitness routine, but thanks to Peloton’s sense of community and competition she’s never been more consistent.

Member Jennifer P. and her husband are competitive over Peloton’s daily streak badge, keeping each other motivated to fit in some kind of workout every day. Since they’re both competitive by nature, they can’t just stand back and watch, so this sense of competition helped them achieve their daily streak goal.

Member Megan D. is competitive with her mom, as they compete for who can work out for the most “Pelo-minutes” each year...which can get pretty heated! They appreciate that even though they live far apart, they can spend time together through Peloton.

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Filtering The Leaderboard

Member Deena C. is a rabbi in the Chicago area who, along with her congregation, created a Leaderboard Tag to find each other and give high fives on Peloton.. To this spiritual community, Peloton stands for physical and mental health, connection to others, the importance of carving out time for yourself and accountability.

Member Theresa M.’s Peloton group of friends and family, which works out together sometime between 5 and 6 in the morning, decides which class to take and what time they’ll start the night before. In the morning, they filter the Leaderboard by “Here Now” and “Following” so they can high five each other and watch each other’s Output for both encouragement and friendly competition.

Alex N. told us that his company uses a Peloton Leaderboard Tag, #BuoyCrew, to stay connected and find each other on the Leaderboard while also showing off their company pride. The #BuoyCrew also has a Peloton Slack channel is a place to chat Peloton instructors, class recommendations, and celebrate when new team members join Peloton. Peloton has helped keep the #BuoyCrew connected this year, and they say it will for years to come.

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That’s it for this week! We’d like to thank all of our Members who took the time to thoughtfully respond to this week’s question. Look out next week for our next installment of Ask A Member, where we’ll be collecting responses to the question, “How do you describe Peloton to a friend who doesn’t know much about it?”

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