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I’m 76 And in the Best Shape of My Life

I’m 76 And in the Best Shape of My Life

Power Zone classes help Member Nan B. train for road bike rides all over the country.

By Amy Gurvitz Updated December 22, 2021


Member Nan B. (#ChrisFromJersey) first discovered Peloton in 2014 when she checked out the Bike at the Peloton store in New Jersey’s Short Hills Mall—the very first Peloton retail location. An avid indoor cyclist since 2000, she knew she’d buy a Bike of her own when the time was right.

The following year, just before turning 70, she kicked off her retirement from work with a cross-country road bike ride with a group called WomanTours. She then moved from New Jersey to rural Arkansas, where she unfortunately discovered the WiFi was unable to support a Peloton Bike.

Two years later, the time was finally right. Nan purchased a Bike the moment she was able to upgrade her internet. The 76-year-old now has almost 1,400 rides under her belt, boasts a weekly streak spanning more than three years and credits Peloton and the community with keeping her more fit than ever.

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Powered by Family

In Nan’s family, Peloton love runs deep. Her twin sister, two nieces, daughter and son all have Bikes of their own. “It’s a real family affair,” exclaims Nan, a widow, who didn’t expect so many relatives to join her in the saddle.

“I was quite surprised when my son bought a Peloton Bike,” she admits. He encouraged Nan to get involved with Power Zone challenges, which are organized by fan groups on social media. “Once I did my first challenge, I was hooked,” she says. “I like the competition!”

While doing these challenges, Nan takes Power Zone classes four times a week. “It’s a great motivator for me and certainly great training for road biking,” she says, adding that she trains for her road rides—which have taken her across Death Valley National Park, the Florida Gulf Coast, the state of Ohio and more—exclusively on her Peloton Bike.

A Milestone Shout-Out

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When she isn’t taking a Power Zone class, Nan will mix it up “depending on the day and my mood.” She’ll also preview playlists to find classes with the most motivating music. “Recently I have been partial to Sam Yo and his ‘oldies’ rides,” she explains. “As a senior, I am partial to Motown.” She also appreciates Matt Wilpers for his technical information and Cody Rigsby “because he is so much fun!

One of Nan’s most fun rides ever was when Cody gave her a shout-out to celebrate her 1,000th ride and 75th birthday. Timing it right took some planning, but it paid off. A few months before Nan’s birthday, a family member’s milestone ride inspired Nan to see where her numbers stood. “I checked the calendar and figured that if I rode everyday for three months and added some additional rides, I could reach 1,000 on my birthday,” she recalls. “That became the goal. The challenge was figuring out which live ride had the best chance of getting a shout-out. I went with Cody—he didn’t disappoint. I got a shout-out before class began and then midway through it.”

Inspiring at Any Age

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Nan loves a good shout-out, but she loves cheering others on even more. As a long-time Member and active 76-year-old, she brings a unique perspective to Peloton community groups on social media. “I’ve joined a number of Facebook groups that center on Peloton,” she says. “First was the Official Peloton Member Page, where early comments focused on tipping the delivery guys and unclipping shoes. Then new groups started appearing, like over-50 groups, over-60 groups and a group for 70+ riders. I try to encourage other riders, especially senior riders, with positive responses to Facebook posts. I emphasize that I am a ‘little old lady’ that rides regularly, and if I can do it, so can you.

To seniors considering joining the Peloton family, Nan offers the following words of wisdom. “First of all, riding a Peloton Bike is FUN!” she says. “All the instructors have great personalities and make each ride enjoyable. Giving or receiving a high five is also fun and motivational. Obviously, physical movement is very beneficial. I don’t think one would ever be too old to ride a stationary bike.”

Ready to ride with Nan? Check out our cycling classes on the Peloton App!

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