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13 Real Peloton Siblings on How They Do Fitness As a Family

By PelotonUpdated December 7, 2020


13 Real Peloton Siblings on How They Do Fitness As a Family

The rivalry is real.

This time of year, we turn to our family, both given and chosen, to thank them for their love, support—and for keeping us motivated all year long. Because sometimes, the best gift you can give someone is a good chase up the Leaderboard.

sandoval sisters

According to these sisters, they each grew up on opposite sides of the exercise spectrum. Gaby was the one that was most physically active while Ana disliked sports and PE classes. As adults, Gaby’s fitness journey has led her to running marathons, and Ana’s fitness journey has been catapulted by Peloton workouts on her Bike and the app. Inspired by her sister, Gaby bought her own Bike soon after. “We take pictures of our workouts and text each other. We like interrupting each other when we happen to be working out on the Bike at the same time. Gaby likes to explore and try different instructors all the time while Ana is more a creature of habit. Gaby also likes intense longer classes while Ana is more about the music and prefers a moderate class.” Outside of cycling, both also use the Peloton App—Gaby for running and Ana for walking. “We love Peloton because it gives us both access to what we individually prefer along with a variety of choice for other activities!”


Lauren and Steven’s sibling bond is deeply tied to their mutual love of basketball. “We learned the importance of character, athleticism and collaboration,” says Lauren. “Ever since, we still watch sports events together, and now we both have taken our athletic backgrounds to our Peloton Bikes.” After Steven successfully persuaded Lauren to get a Bike of her own, the pair regularly ride together and attempt to smash each other’s personal records. “We enjoy challenging each other over text to be ready to go hard when we decide to jump on the Bikes together!” says Steven. The good-natured rivalry between “Big Bro” and “Lala” goes deeper than fitness. “We have rivalries in everything we do, competing to out work each other in physical and mental challenges. It helps us to drive one another and continue to grow,” says Steven, and Lauren agrees. “The Peloton offers the same competitiveness, drive and personal growth that sports have taught us the entirety of our lives. It's great to keep that spirit alive every day on the Peloton.”


These four siblings forged a tight bond in their youth living in Aberdeen, Washington with their family-first parents. Now, they might be spread across the United States but Peloton helps them keep connected and tapped into their active roots. “We played all kinds of different sports growing up. Lauren focused on soccer and golf. Amy swam. Carrie and David both played tennis and David was also the MVP of the basketball its manager.” Their family group chat is full of motivation for taking Peloton classes together, or sharing great classes they’ve recently taken. “Despite being multiple states apart, we text every morning asking the other about their planned workout and timing. We most often talk trash leading up to a Tabata benchmark ride, Turkey Burn or some other super hard ride. We will send screenshots after one person has done the ride and lay down the challenge.” Upon their mother’s terminal ALS diagnosis in 2018, the siblings would use the outdoor classes on the app to keep active when visiting home. “In coping with our mom’s illness and death, our love for Peloton has given our family an outlet, bond, safe space, stress reliever and plenty of sweat at a time when we needed the support it provided. Our Bikes and the Peloton platform have been more than exercise equipment for us and we are truly grateful for the gift it has provided.”


Only 3 and a half years apart in age, Alan and Kevin are used to some friendly competition—on and off the basketball and tennis courts. “Alan is the goofy, book-smart one while Kevin is the more serious, responsible one,” they say. Based in LA, these brothers had a chance to be in close proximity this year once Kevin moved back home in March. Kevin was in search of a fitness alternative to the gym, and in a gesture of brotherly love, Alan upgraded to a Bike+ and gave Kevin his Bike. They’ve already found common ground in their choice of instructors—both ride with Cody Rigsby and Alex Toussaint. Alan’s excited to be by Kevin’s side on his Peloton journey. “We’re looking forward to working out more together now that Kevin has a Bike!”


Originally from Maryland, Jasmine and Simone moved away to chase their dreams — Jasmine as a dermatologist in Michigan and Simone as a film production executive in LA. Whether on their Bikes or on the App (which they love using through their TVs!), competition is always good-natured. “We focus more on competing against ourselves and not one another by constantly trying to beat our last PR or output. We compare by sharing our performance stats from the app and also tracking and getting very excited about the different badges we earn. We also join the monthly challenges as a way to keep one another accountable!” Both sisters are devoted Cody Rigsby fans and members of the #BlackGirlMagic Tag, and encourage each other to try something new on the Peloton platform. “I recently tried the Bike Bootcamp classes and am working to get Simone on board to try one!” says Jasmine. “Peloton has provided us with a means of connecting with each other and meeting our fitness goals despite being in different time zones and meeting the demands of our busy schedules as young professionals. We truly value this community and how it has influenced our lifestyles and relationship.”


“We were both adopted at birth, and we are opposites in almost every way,” say the Emig Sisters. “Maya is clean cut, Kirstin has tattoos. Maya is an attorney, heady and introverted, and Kirstin is an extrovert and spends her time saying hello to people along her FedEx delivery route.” But the one thing these sisters have in common is their love of competition, and Peloton. In fact, Maya purchased a Bike for Kirsten as an outlet for their competitive spirit. “We verbally tussle which is the polite word for trash talking. We have challenged each other to the monthly competitions that are on Peloton Digital, and there is always some tussling going on over the phone before and after the rides!” Even though the sisters live on opposite poles of California, Peloton makes them feel closer than ever. “This is our way of keeping in touch amidst our busy lives. Thank you for a fantastic product that allows us to connect!”

yonack brothers

Sam and Noah grew up in Dallas, TX, but both found their way to California after college. Though this athletic pair of brothers have different interests and career paths, they share a common bond with Peloton. “Growing up, Noah played tennis and ran. I played basketball and ran. We both did soccer and baseball when we were kids,” says Sam. Competition in their DNA. “On Peloton, we mostly compare stats and output on the same classes we’ve taken. I beat Noah on the Hamilton ride, but he normally wins, only because he’s taller and has longer legs.” At the end of the day, brotherly competition is the best motivation. “Peloton is the best way we’ve managed to keep each other motivated to stay healthy during quarantine!”

mandelbaum sisters

Like sister, like sister. Says Rachel, “I’m an OBGYN and my sister Ava is seven years younger than me, also applying to medical school now! She’s essentially my mini me but a better version.” These LA-based sisters have loved their Peloton Bikes for three years now, and regularly work out with the app together as well. “We both love the same types of classes,” says Rachel. “Our favorite instructors are Emma, Kendall, Jess, Robin, Olivia and Alex!” More than just a way to keep fit, Peloton keeps these sisters connected. “Peloton helps me work out amidst a busy residency schedule and stay in touch with my family and friends. Nothing better than some lighthearted competition!”

Aguilar siblings

This brother and sister duo are self-proclaimed “cocktail-loving Latin nerds who are very different yet very similar.” One similarity? “We each own a Peloton Bike and use the Peloton App to run outside.” Despite their different schedules, Jenny and Alex make an effort to get on the Bike for head-to-head Leaderboard matchups. “We tell each other to take certain classes and ride together when we can!” Jenny, who influenced not just Alex but also her aunt, cousin and roommate to become Peloton Members, teases her brother for always coming off the Bike breathless. “But Alex will make fun of me for taking the workout too seriously,” she says. Because banter is half the fun of sibling rivalry, right?


These brothers take Peloton classes almost every day on the Bike and App, and when asked if they’re competitive with each other? “Undoubtedly.” Their taste in music is similar (Emma Lovewell and Jess King are instructor favorites), and HIIT and Hills is their favorite class type, if that gives you a clue as to the nature of their competitiveness. “Frequently, we share classes and our Leaderboard ranking along with some ‘friendly’ banter over text. Thanks to Peloton for creating a great product that keeps us both committed to fitness!”


This duo of active twentysomething sisters are both USC grads who love exploring LA’s food scene, and in their free time, work out with Peloton. “I have the Bike at my apartment in WeHo, and I use the Peloton App as well,” says Isabel. “My usual workout routine consists of a mix of riding the Bike and doing strength, HIIT and yoga on my rooftop.” Julia’s routine looks a little like this: “I use my parents’ Bike at home and use my sisters’ in LA as well now. I’ve also used the Peloton App for yoga, HIIT classes and guided runs.” Isabel continues, “My whole family loves sharing their recent Peloton accomplishments in our group message together. Usually, in the mornings I’ll snap a photo of myself post-workout, and text Julia a screenshot of my output and my set-up for the day. We encourage each other to do better rather than compete against one another.”


These identical twin sisters have a lot of identical interests. “We like the same instructors (Cody, Robin, Tunde, Alex, Kendall); we like the same music (90s hip hop, 2000 pop, current pop, Dave Matthews Band and Coldplay); and we’ve both been taking more yoga classes and love Kristin and Anna.” But in true sibling fashion? “We always want to beat each other!...But in a fun/nice way.” Erin and Erica have used exercise as a means of connecting with one another throughout their lives, from gym classes in their 20s to birthday beach runs in their 30s. Nowadays, the party is on the Leaderboard. “We can be night owls and at times, we will take a late night class together before bed. We will video chat or just text one another while on the Bike. We try to push for a personal record. We chat about the class over the phone, too.” More than a workout, Peloton is a way for these twins to connect with friends and family. “We ride with our friends but mostly ride with each other! During this incredibly stressful time, it’s a way to have some ‘me’ time, and stay healthy and active.”

laquindanum Siblings

They did so many things together in high school and college, friends called these two siblings “Vinceley.” Physical activity like running races, going to the gym, and hiking are among the things they loved to do together when they lived near each other. However, growing up has separated Vince and Virley: Vince is married with a baby in Sacramento, CA, while Virley lives with her fiancé and dog in Los Angeles. Nowadays, most of their “hanging out” is through Peloton, whether they’re doing a class together, chatting about their favorite instructors, or exchanging must-take class suggestions. Of course, there’s some competition to beat each other on the Leaderboard—and as to the race of who got their Peloton first, Vince wins that one. When Virley tried out his Bike, she knew she needed to have her own (“LOL,” she adds).

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