Father’s Day is a time to say ‘thank you’ to the dads in our lives who have shown us unconditional love, strength and support. This is no easy task and we’re so impressed by the fathers in the Peloton community who make a commitment to their workout on top of their commitment to their family. We talked with a group of dads who work hard on the Leaderboard to learn more about how the Peloton Bike fits into their busy lifestyles.
Will Frattini

What makes Peloton different from other workouts you’ve tried? Why have you stuck with it?
I truly feel like I'm a part "of the main field of cyclists" with Peloton. To me, Peloton is a community of individuals all working on their own time, yet I feel like I'm part of a team. I love the instructors and the way they push and challenge me.
I also love the variety of classes; I'm getting close to 100 rides, and I've rarely ever had to repeat one. I feel that I can continue to commit to show up every day since the bike is in our house and I have zero excuses to not work out.
How would you describe how you feel after class?
Endorphins! There's a high, there's a rush, there's a satisfaction with Peloton that I've never felt before with any other workout. The best part? That feeling keeps showing up after every ride. It's euphoric and therapeutic at the same time.
How does Peloton enhance your life as a dad?
As a new dad, my "me time" is very limited! The only alone time my wife and I have are during Elle's naps! Peloton allows me to fit in a HIIT ride with Robin and an Interval ride with Ally before Elle wakes up. It also helps me to easily crawl and roll around on the floor chasing my 10-month-old daughter!
Longer term, I know that I'm making a conscious decisions to take care of my body to ensure I'm the best version of myself for my daughter throughout my life. I want to be able to enjoy every experience as her dad and never have to worry about being able to keep up with her in her activities. Thanks to Peloton, I'm confident I'll be the "in-shape" dad and grandpa.
What do you want your kids to know about fitness and why you ride?
I want my children to know fitness is key to physical wellness, but also mental wellness. No matter how hard a workout is, I've never finished a ride and regretted it because I know I'm taking care of my body and my mind. I want them to also know that fitness is only as valuable as the "next day" or the "next ride." No matter how hard we work today, we will always show up tomorrow.
Andy Martin

How did you learn about Peloton?
I was introduced to Peloton after my wife passed away in February 2018. Years ago, I was in pretty good health - I ran, did weight training, and even did a triathlon shortly after moving to Arizona. During our long cancer battle, exercise and healthy eating took a back seat to stress and I put on a lot of weight. My wife was very into fitness and exercise was her therapy - she really had a hard time when she couldn’t work out. The last year she wasn’t able to go to the gym at all, and I had a hard time even getting the time or motivation to take a simple walk around the neighborhood. Before she passed away, I made the commitment to her that I would get back into shape and lose the weight I’d put on, get back in better health so I could be here and healthy for the kids - three teenagers on the Autism spectrum. I looked at gyms near my house, knowing I needed something close because my time would be limited between work and being home with the kids. One of my friends had a Peloton and told me about how great it was. I looked it up, did some research, and purchased it the next day. I did my first ride on February 24th, two weeks after my wife passed.
What makes Peloton different from other workouts you’ve tried? Why have you stuck with it?
Having the bike here at home allows me to carve time out for a quick workout when I can, on my schedule. The community is amazing and supportive, and the instructors are incredible. I always enjoy having data to see how I’m improving over time and hitting personal records is always rewarding. Working out at a gym, I’d generally feel alone. With Peloton, you are working out with friends on the Leaderboard helping to push you along and motivate you.
How would you describe how you feel after class?
After I complete a class, I have a real sense of accomplishment, especially when I take a class with Christine and get another PR. I feel energized after a good ride, which helps to carry me through the rest of the day dealing with work and taking care of the kids. Exercising helps my mood too, and knowing that I’m honoring my wife by doing classes and losing weight really helps me through my grief journey. My bike is set up in the spot where my wife’s hospice bed was, to help honor her and remind me of my commitment.
What do you want your kids to know about fitness and why you ride?
I want my kids to know how important fitness and activity is, something to get them off their phones and video games during the summer. My 14-year old has shown interest, has a pair of bike shoes and a profile, and I’m trying to actively encourage him to get some additional activity in over the summer. It can be an effective physical and occupational therapy for them to help with muscle tone and coordination.
Have you connected with any other dads in the Peloton community?
I’m a member of several Peloton groups on Facebook connecting with others, including a group for Peloton riders with children with special needs. The community is one of the things that really makes the Peloton stand out, meeting new people with similar interests or situations and connecting.
Finish this sentence: “Peloton helps me…”
Peloton helps me drop my baggage, be the best me I can be. It helps me stay motivated to get back into good health without isolating myself in ways common to widows and parents of special needs children.
Josh Prusakiewicz

What makes Peloton different from other workouts you’ve tried? Why have you stuck with it?
I think the difference really comes down to flexibility and how the bike and bootcamp workouts are easy to use. When I want to workout, all I have to do is put on my shoes and jump on the bike.
How would you describe how you feel after class?
I typically ride early in the morning or late at night. In the morning, I feel energized and wide awake when I am done with a class - it’s better than coffee! When I ride late at night, I have the same feelings after class, but my head is a lot clearer. I am able to decompress after a long day of work, running the kids around and housework.
What can you do now that you couldn’t before owning the Peloton Bike?
I have always been an athlete since I was a little kid, so the bike has allowed me to be able to continue my competitive spirit with the leaderboard functionality. It has also allowed me to keep my fitness in check because I sit in front of a computer all day and have kids, so it’s tough to keep my activity level up.
Riding also allows me to show my family that I am dedicated to my health and that I will be there for them when they need me. Keeping my health up is important because they rely on me to be there as a dad and husband and support them.
What do you want your kids to know about fitness and why you ride?
I want my kids to know that taking care of yourself, as well as others, is really important in life. Before they can take care of others, I want them to know that they have to be healthy so that they're able to support those around them. I want my kids to know that their dad will always be there for them and that the bike and exercise, in general, will allow me to do so. I want them to know that I ride for their mom, I ride for them, I ride for myself, but most of all, I ride to be a better person.
Elliot Heller

What makes Peloton different from other workouts you’ve tried? Why have you stuck with it?
The beauty of Peloton is the flexibility for me to choose a workout anytime that fits my schedule. I also love the class variety that keeps the workouts from getting stale or boring.
How does Peloton enhance your life as a dad?
I am so delighted to have gifted my daughter and son-in-law with a Peloton when I purchased mine and that they have caught the “bug”. They have both become committed users and have improved their physical well being. I am also so happy that my almost 13-year-old granddaughter is beginning to use the bike fairly regularly.
What do you want your kids to know about fitness and why you ride?
My goal is for my kids and grandkids to remain physically active so they can enjoy the best of physical health as they get older. I am proud to set the example!
Finish this sentence: “Peloton helps me…”
Peloton helps me stay focused and “age” gracefully.
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