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This Mom Says Peloton Is the Best Exercise For Busy Moms

By PelotonUpdated June 30, 2020


Three years ago life changed in so many ways for Member Courtney H. To save both her and her daughter’s lives, Courtney underwent an emergency C-section due to complications during her pregnancy. “McKenzie was in the NICU for five months,” says Courtney. “Fast forward to today, my daughter, McKenzie is 3 years old and is truly a miracle child.” As a single mother to a special needs child, Courtney found it hard to integrate any type of fitness routine into her schedule. Exercise for busy moms is often something that’s challenging to fit into a hectic routine and Courtney is no exception. With a demanding career on top of her other responsibilities, the gym time that she loved was the first thing that got removed from her daily agenda. “I had the hardest time incorporating going to the gym into my life--every mother is busy and mothers to children with special needs are even busier,” says Courtney. “I would plan ahead and the moment an appointment or issue came up with my daughter, the gym got dropped.” She knew she needed some type of solution, but with recurring medical bills that made it challenging to spend money on a gym membership, she felt stuck. Ever since she first saw a Peloton commercial, she had a feeling that this was the answer for her. “I knew a Peloton Bike would allow me the flexibility to get a workout in at home without having to worry about finding adequate care for my daughter.”

Once she saw Peloton announce The Comeback, she knew she had to apply. In February of this year, after hearing her moving story, Courtney became one of Peloton’s first Comeback recipients. “The Comeback Initiative was a lifesaver and game changer for me,” says Courtney. “Integrating Peloton into my life as a mother was easier than I expected. Peloton gives me the ability to adjust quickly to those last minute changes because I can get a workout in whenever.” Courtney’s daughter recently needed two surgeries within 30 days of each other, which meant Courtney needed to be close by at all times. “I was able to take care of her and work out...that’s priceless! I would have never been able to do that without Peloton.” Like she thought, Peloton had proved to be a solution that could help her navigate her complicated situation.

Most importantly, the motivation and the “me” time is something that Courtney loves having back in her life.”My workouts make me feel great! The instructors give me so much positivity and good energy--my body feels good, my mind is clear and I feel like I can tackle the day and whatever it brings.” And sometimes, Courtney even has her own little in-person motivation that makes her day. “On the occasion that my daughter is up while I’m working out, it makes my heart smile to hear her cheering me on: ‘Go Mommy! You can do it!’” As her daughter clearly knows, Courtney’s dedication and nonstop forward momentum is something that deserves recognition. “I don’t celebrate myself as much as I should,” she says. ”My daughter and I shouldn’t be here--being that close to death changed me and I’m so blessed and thankful God saw fit to keep us here. Just being alive is a blessing and worth celebrating.”

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
