Jenn Sherman
Peloton Instructor
Jenn Sherman took her first indoor cycling class more than a decade ago and was instantly hooked. As Peloton’s very first cycling instructor, Jenn came to NYC from her hometown in New Jersey, where she’d been selling out studios for years. Jenn brings a focused intensity to every class she teaches, showing Members what they’re made of with her empowering playlists you just can’t help but sing along to.
Meet Jenn
Being able to make a difference in people’s lives is the inspiration. I draw from the strength, motivation and the incredible energy I receive every day from my riders.
How Do You Motivate?
Leave the bulls**t outside the door and take this window of time for YOU. Walk in ready to work hard, sweat hard, sing hard and leave the room feeling empowered by what you just accomplished.
Outside of Peloton
I am the mom to two teenagers, who are the center of my world. When I’m not running in circles with my family, I can be found relaxing at the beach with friends, or working on my next killer playlist.
JFDI!!! Or (JUST F**KING DO IT) No excuses. Simple, direct and to the point. Just like ME!
Jenn Sherman