5 min Breathing Meditation
Originally aired
Aditi Shah
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Join Aditi Shah for 5 min Breathing Meditation, a simple and accessible meditation class where you'll focus on the breath to quiet the mind. This breath-focused session is designed to help you find calm and clarity. Enjoy the soothing sounds of classical music as you engage in this practice. The class is just 5 minutes long, making it easy to fit into your day. Take a moment to center yourself with this guided meditation.
Subtitles: EN
Featuring music by
Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen, Caleb Burhans
Richter: Dream 0 (till break of day)
Grace Davidson, Max Richter, Ben Russell, Yuki Numata, Caleb Burhans, Clarice Jensen, Brian Snow
Richter: Dream 0 (till break of day)
Grace Davidson, Max Richter, Ben Russell, Yuki Numata, Caleb Burhans, Clarice Jensen, Brian Snow
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