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I'm A Dad Who Loves To Run, Ride and Lift—This Is A Week of My Peloton Workouts

I'm A Dad Who Loves To Run, Ride and Lift—This Is A Week of My Peloton Workouts

When Member Sean T. isn't playing hockey, on his motorcycle or spending time with his family, you can find him on his Tread or Bike.

By Sean T. & Team PelotonUpdated 21 September 2021


Peloton Diaries is a series where we feature Peloton Members who have written about a week of their life and the Peloton classes they took. If you would like to submit your own Peloton Diary for a chance at being featured, you may do so here.

About Me

My Name: Sean T.

Find me on the Leaderboard: BodDad

My Tags: #TrueNorthStrong, #CanadianPZRiders, #PelotonDads

I've been a Peloton Member since: 2020

I Use: Peloton Tread, Peloton Bike, Peloton App

My Occupation: Marketing Professional

To Introduce Myself: I’m Sean, husband to Caroline and father to twin boys who are almost six years old. Currently residing in Hamilton, Ontario, I’m big on fitness and love to run, lift weights, HIIT and now, ride my Peloton Bike and run on my Peloton Tread! While I wasn’t always living my healthiest life, I’ve always tried to keep active. About four years ago, I really committed to self-care and started on a journey that completely transformed me. Discovering Peloton has really helped me keep that momentum going, especially now that I do almost all my exercising from home.

Exercise is my time to decompress and clear my head. It’s about my mind as much as my body. I’ve started to share snippets of my journey on social media, and I love to share what’s going on with my Peloton routine. I hope that I’m able to help inspire and motivate others to choose goals that make them happy and achieve what they can to feel successful. Being able to do that helps me continue my healthy habits and motivates me every day. It’s not always easy, but I always feel better after I’ve accomplished something.

Outside of fitness and work, you can catch me by the pool in the summer or try to catch me on my motorcycle. I love to play hockey through the winter and get outside as much as I can. Traveling is always on the to-do list. Being able to explore new places and try new things always means new perspectives and growth. I spend as much time as I can with my kids, watching them grow and learning from them, cherishing all our family moments.

A recent fitness achievement I'm proud of: I'm in the midst of running my first-ever races. They are called "The Hammer" and include 2K, 5K, 10K, 15K and 30K distances. All as individual legs and combined for a total time—hammer time!

My most frequently taken class: Matt Wilpers' 5 min Post Ride Stretch from the Prince Artist Series

My advice to other Peloton Members: You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. Start with smaller, more manageable goals and build from there. Switch up your routine to keep it interesting and challenging. You may be surprised what you end up loving that you once thought you couldn't even do. Be patient; time in yourself is always worth it. Also, don't eat elephants!

My favorite...

  • Instructors: Matt Wilpers, Selena Samuela, Becs Gentry, Sam Yo

  • Recovery day class: Walk (outdoor or Tread) and/or 15–20-minute ride (I like to choose based on music and just go at my own recovery pace.

  • Class playlist genre: Classic rock, 80s or hip hop—all depends on my mood

  • Post-workout snack: Protein bar or a big ol' bowl of cereal

  • Time to work out: First thing in the morning

My Week


  1. 5 min Upper-Body Strength with Matty Maggiacomo

  2. 10 min Arms & Shoulders Strength with Matty Maggiacomo

  3. 30 min New Tracks Run with Matty Maggiacomo

  4. 5 min Post-Run Stretch with Matty Maggiacomo

My weeks typically consist of a blend of cycling, running, strength and recovery workouts. I’m training for my first-ever races—which will be done individually and submitted virtually, so I’ve been focusing a lot on running lately. Not to mention I just got my Peloton Tread on March 1 and I’m loving it! I like to get up around 6 AM and work out before anyone else in my house is up. It allows me to focus and really be in the zone. Plus, I prefer not to use any time that could be spent with my family to exercise—unless we’re exercising together. Today I was up just after six and warming up with Matty Maggiacomo shortly thereafter. It was a little different than usual since my wife was on the Peloton Bike . My plan was to join Matty’s live 30-minute new tracks run at 7 AM, so I squeezed in one of his 10-minute strength classes first. My 100th strength workout—bonus! I joined the live run at 7, and really enjoyed the progressive speeds. I try to catch live classes when I can. There’s a vibe about them that really energizes me. Near the end of the run Matty told us, “If you don’t feel better after this run, DM me.” Well I will not be sending Matty a DM. I always feel better after a run. Followed up the class with a 5-minute post-run stretch, also with Matty M. This was a great Monday morning with Matty to start the week.


  1. 30 min Ms. Lauryn Hill Ride with Tunde Oyeneyin

  2. 30 min Wyclef Jean Ride with Alex Toussaint

  3. 5 min Cool Down Ride with Alex Toussaint

  4. 5 min Post Ride Stretch with Alex Toussaint

One of the best parts about Peloton is the community. I’ve made some good friends on social media connecting through Peloton, which is kind of ironic given that most of the last year has been spent either at home or not far from it. I organized a ride with whoever wanted to join me for Tuesday morning at 6:30 AM ET. The plan: 30-minute Ms. Lauryn Hill Ride with Tunde Oyeneyin followed by the 30-minute Wyclef Jean ride with Alex Toussaint. On the ride with me were two of my new Pelo-fam: @docmyatt and @samanthaushedo on Instagram. (Sidenote: Samantha also runs the @pelotoncanada Insta page which has really created a massive Peloton community in Canada—add to that the fact that Sam is a spin instructor, and you’ve got a premier candidate for the first Canadian Peloton coach, nudge nudge). The ride with Tunde was brand new, and I did not expect it to be so tough. The playlists were fantastic, and it was a beautiful start to the day. My cohorts and I shared some laughs and commentary between rides on Insta. What a good time! I followed that up with a 5-minute cool down and a stretch, both with Alex. Then off to work. Happy Tunesday!


  1. 5 min Strength Warm Up with Robin Arzon

  2. 15 min Strength for Runners with Becs Gentry

  3. 30 min Intervals Run with Chase Tucker

  4. 5 min Core Strength with Selena Samuela

  5. 10 min Full-Body Stretch with Chase Tucker

Last week I hit my one-year Peloversary, and earlier this week, I hit 100 strength workouts. I realized that I’m also coming up on 350 rides, 150 stretches and 50 walks, plus I did my first Tread Bootcamp today. Tracking the milestones and seeing them coming is really adding extra motivation this week. Love it! I was up early, per usual. I wanted to run and then do some strength, which I prefer to do in that order, but I also saw there was a live run at 7 AM, so I flipped it. By about 6:30, I was warming up with Robin Arzón followed by a 15-minute Strength for Runners class with Becs Gentry. Then on to the live 30-minute intervals run with Chase Tucker at 7 AM. Chase, or should I say “Pace” (Dad joke alert), always gives the positive vibes, and this run felt really good. I liked the intervals set up and was happy with my 5K in 30 minutes. The runs I’m training for include five distances in total, all of which I will submit online between March 25 and April 25. They start tomorrow, so I’m thinking an outdoor Peloton run on Thursday. I chased Chase’s class with a five-minute core workout with Selena Samuela and on to one of my favorite 10-minute full-body stretches with Chase. In this one, he spends two minutes on each movement to really target the muscles. It’s my go-to for a deep stretch. Another excellent morning session.


  1. 20 min Outdoor Intervals Run with Jess Simms

  2. 20 min Pilates with Hannah Corbin

  3. 5 min Lower-Body Stretch with Andy Speer

  4. 10 min Low-Impact Ride with Hannah Frankson

  5. 30 min Premiere Ride with Bradley Rose

  6. 5 min Post-Ride Stretch with Sam Yo

It’s Thursday, and I’m out the door by around 6:30 AM. I started with a brisk walk and some stretches/warm ups before firing up the 20-minute intervals run with Jess Sims. It was a perfect morning to get back outside—I love exercising outdoors and capping off a workout with a gorgeous sunrise— and today didn’t disappoint. Cool, crisp air and not a cloud in the sky. I ran 2km full out as part of my training for the 2K leg of my upcoming race. Finished my loop and was back to my home gym for a 20-minute Pilates class with Hannah Corbin. I cast the floor classes from my Peloton Tread to a TV I have mounted on the wall so I can really spread out. Good thing I did because my twin boys who are almost six came down. My one little guy asked, “Are you working out with your friends?” Pointing to the icons of those who were “here now” in the class. I smiled and told him. “I guess I am, pal. It’s always more fun with friends.” I did a quick five-minute stretch with Andy Speer. Then, it’s get the boys to school and off to work. But today was going to be a little different. I took it easy in the morning because I planned to lunch with the new instructor who was kicking off his premiere ride today, which also happened to be my 350th cycling class. I hopped on the Peloton Bike early for a 10-minute warm-up ride with Hannah Frankson and then into the 30-minute ride with Bradley Rose, a whole gang of Peloton friends and endless high-fives. Mr. Rose came out hot and was not shy about getting right into some heavy climbs. What a killer workout for a midday break. Rounded out my U.K. connection session with a five-minute Sam Yo stretch—then back to work. Felt good to change it up.


  1. 5 min Bootcamp Warm Up with Adrian Williams

  2. 20 min Bootcamp Core with Olivia Amato

  3. 30 min The Chicks Run with Matt Willpers

  4. 10 min Full-Body Stretch with Adrian Williams

I’ve been loving the Peloton Tread and being able to run and walk no matter the weather. Today was time for my first bootcamp. Early morning, five-minute warm up with Adrian Williams and on to a 20-minute Bootcamp Core with Olivia. While I’ve enjoyed Bike Bootcamps in the past, I really like the fluid transition between the Tread and the floorwork in the Tread Bootcamps. Fantastic way to get some kilometres in while getting the cardio and strength in too. Once again, I found myself doing my strength work first as I wanted to join the live 30-minute The Chicks Run with Matt Wilpers. I won’t lie—I know ZERO songs by The Chicks (not sure how that’s possible), but it was a fun ride and a good way to get some steps in this morning. Country music, high fives, exercise, how could I go wrong? Ten-minute stretch with Adrian Williams after the high heart rate morning. Now off to work after the work.


  1. 20 min Pop Walk with Rebecca Kennedy

  2. 10 min Standing Yoga with Aditi Shah

  3. 15 min 70s Ride with Christine D’Ercole

  4. 5 min Post-Ride Stretch with Cody Rigsby

I knew today was going to be busy as I had to go help my elderly parents with some stuff at their house. I’m getting ready to move them closer to me, and moving day is coming fast and furiously. I typically spend Sunday as a recovery day, but this week, I opted to change it up. I like to keep my streak going and would continue that momentum later today. I spent the morning at my parents’ house sorting and cleaning. Home in the afternoon and time for some active recovery. Did a 20-minute pop walk with Rebecca Kennedy followed by 10-minute standing yoga with Aditi Shah, which I really enjoyed. On to a 15-minute 70s Ride with Christine D’Ercole which I treated as a recovery ride. Kept it to moderate resistance and high cadence to flush out my legs and keep a decent heart rate up. Stretch for five minutes with Cody Rigsby to cap off my recovery work. Spent the rest of the day with my fam, including a lovely pizza dinner for the win.


  1. 5 min Warm-Up Run with Becs Gentry

  2. 20 min Trap Run with Adrian Williams

  3. Flash 15 with Jess Simms

  4. 5 min Warm-Up Run with Jess Simms

  5. 45 min 80s Bootcamp with Andy Speer

  6. 10 min Cool-Down Walk with Andy Speer

  7. 10 min Full-Body Stretch with Andy Speer

  8. 10 min Full-Body Stretch with Adrian Williams

While I slept until 7:30 AM, which counts as sleeping in here, I had a big session planned on what would usually be a day of rest, and I was pumped! Around 9 AM, I was in my gym on a five-minute warm-up run with Begs Gentry. Then right into a live 20-minute trap run with Adrian Williams. After the run, I did a Flash 15 with Jess Sims. These Flash 15s are no joke. How does she stay so cool while working so hard? I liked when Jess left the stage to get right up in the face of the camera to treat me like a real trainer would and remind me that I need to put in the work.

After that treat, I jumped into another five-minute warm-up run—also with Jess, but this time, I ran hard and fast to see how quickly I could run 1km. I clocked in at about 4:30. Faster sprints to come. Next up, 45-minute 80s bootcamp live with Andy Speer. This class was so much fun. I absolutely loved the 80s movies-inspired playlist and the 3-and-3 Tread-to-floor setup for the work. The tunes brought me back in time, and the 45 minutes of hard work zoomed by.

Cooled down in a 10-minute walk with Mr. Speer which was my 50th walk. Time for a full-body stretch with Olivia to round out a big week of workouts. My game was on point this week as far as energy and consistency go. We all have a lot going on, and sometimes self-care can be first on the chopping block. I’m happy to say that was not the case this week. I was up early every day and made fewer adjustments than are typically needed to juggle family, exercise, work and other commitments. I clocked 34 workouts, over 10 hours of exercise, six live classes, three milestones and my first Tread Bootcamp. Spent the afternoon running errands with one of my little guys and then some quality time relaxing and playing games as a family to end a quiet weekend at home.

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
