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Ask A Member: Question 2

Ask A Member: Question 2

By PelotonUpdated 10 January 2021


Last week we put up an Instagram Story with a question for our Members: “What classes did you not know about initially, but you now love?” We got thousands of great responses, so we broke them down into the most common themes. So, what classes do our Members love that they didn’t know about before joining Peloton?


Our Members discovered there’s so much more to Peloton beyond cardio workouts.


Member Rachel D. loves grabbing a set of dumbbells and doing Peloton’s lower body strength classes: “I get so much more done in 20 minutes with [Peloton Instructor] Selena Samuela than I would in one hour alone.”

Member Emma P. loves our Strength for Runners classes: “They've become a huge part of my weekly training routine. I love that the classes give a whole-body workout with your running in mind. Since starting I've noticed improvements with my form, cadence and posture. I also like that there are different lengths, I can slot a 10 minute one in after a run or on a non-running/easy running day I will do one of the 30 minute classes. I was struggling with consistency in my strength training and now I'm not.”


Member Margaret Anne H. said: “I had never heard of these before and I love the variety of a fun walk or pushed with interval training. The time goes so quickly with the playlists, chat and you are always pushed to work that much more than if you were on your own.” + "The outdoor classes! It's like working out with a friend and motivator!"

Member Brittany T. said: “I have never been a runner in my life! With Peloton, I’ve found a new joy for outdoor walk + runs with an in-ear personal trainer.”

Member Sarah M said: “I am a scientist and currently working from home full time. I have 3 kids. Life is chaotic and often stressful, especially this past year. Peloton has been a reprieve after many long days! Adding outdoor walks to my workout routine has helped to motivate me to get outside and I’ve found them to be very restorative. I often bring my kids along so we can be active as a family.”


Member Cari H. said: “The Fit Family* classes! My kids love the family yoga and we get to spend time together"

Member Cherie C. said: “I love how Peloton found a way to get the kids involved! Family cardio is our jam!"

*All “Peloton Family” classes must be taken using an adult’s Peloton member login and under adult supervision.


Member Natalie F said: "Restorative yoga! It's such a great reset after a week of hard workouts!" + “After a week of power walks, hikes, and strength classes, restorative yoga is a calming way to reset for the next week ahead”

Member Liz P said: “I specifically LOVE Kristin McGee's 10 min Focus Flow Hip class. A friend turned me on to the class soon after it came out, not sure how many times I've taken it, but anytime I'm having tightness in my low back and/or hips I put that class on now. And since I carry a lot of my stress in my hips, this class helps!”

From fitness goals meditation to gratitude meditations to sleep meditations, Peloton has hundreds of meditation classes. Member Samantha S. told us she loves them so much that they’re part of her morning and evening routines!


Member Kelly R. didn’t know about Peloton’s slow flow yoga classes before joining, but she now loves incorporating them between rides: “Slow flow yoga is my jam!”

Member Andrew R. said: "Power Yoga: For whenever I want to put a little more energy into my practice! While I often like to stack cycling and strength classes for a complete workout, power yoga has been great for building strength in a different way! I’m definitely still losing my balance all the time, but I’ll get there!"

Member Cara C. said: “Standing yoga! Great for a quick mid-workday stretch when you’ve been sitting for too long.”

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Need a little guidance when you’re trying something new? Our Members have discovered a variety of ways to work out with Peloton that allow them to maximize their results and see meaningful and measurable progress over time.


Lots of Members told us about how much they’ve loved getting into Power Zone classes, training that focuses on achieving specific output levels throughout class and the FTP (functional threshold power) test, which they might not have even known about before joining Peloton! Member Joe M. told us it feels like personal training at scale because of its focus on personalized metrics.

Member Hannah D. said: "Endurance training has recently become a focus of mine. When I got my Peloton this month, I was surprised to find a huge focus on endurance, power zone, and low impact rides!"


Member Nicole H. told us: “The Bike Bootcamp format has enabled me to maximize my workout time with the combination of cardio and strength. I love that each class keeps me constantly engaged and focused by switching between work on the bike and the mat. I've leveled up my weights and love the fast paced rides. Thank you for this game-changer class option. Keep them coming!

Member Marissa S. said: “Tread bootcamps! As a college student with such a limited amount of time, it allows me to get it all done: cardio and strength."


Member Kristi A. said: "Emma's Crush your Core classes! I’m an avid biker but Emma’s core classes are the perfect off bike addition to any workout. Short, but wow do they burn.”

Member Anna C. said: “Tabata! After Robin’s program I was hooked. Tabata classes are a really fun way to challenge myself and the structure of the program helped me make progress and stick to a regular workout routine. Tabata rides have taught me I’m more capable than I think! If you are looking for a sign to try a tabata class, this is it!”

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All Peloton classes are designed to be immersive, but Peloton specializes in premiere class content that feel more like attending a live event where you happen to be exercising. If you’re looking for a more active way to take in entertainment, these classes are for you.


Member Isabelle T. said: “Artist series are parties both on and off the bike! It’s too hard to pick just one favorite! Some of my favorites include the JLO, Lizzo, Whitney Houston, Hamilton, and Beyoncé series! I’ve taken all of these classes multiple times! In fact, I just recently took Robin’s Lizzo ride and got a totally unexpected PR!]

Member Amanda R. said: “Denis’s Outkast ride was KILLER, and Robin’s Lizzo ride didn’t feel like exercise because it was such a blast! I am hooked on Peloton - on and off of the bike. Such an inspiring experience and I have really seen results in my mood, strength, and stamina in just over a month!”

Member Anna C. said: “I didn't realize there was so much selection of dedicated artists, I love the P!nk ride...and who doesn't love The Greatest Showman?! I LOVE how it's constantly evolving. Ben's Calvin Harris ride was the money!!! A great end to a challenging year!”


Member Tiffani H. especially enjoys Sundays with Love, taught by Peloton Instructor Ally Love: “I love Sundays with Love for the mix of physical, mental and emotional strength it provides me! She provides me a space away from my busy life as a physician assistant student as I am currently working in the hospitals. After a ride I am grounded and humbled, which provides clarity in my life and with my patients.”

Members Brenda K. loves the Jess King Experience, taught by Peloton Instructor Jess King: Brenda was immediately hooked after the first ride: "Jess is a firecracker full of energy. Her sequined outfits make the ride an absolute party. And boy, can she dance on that Bike!”

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That’s it for this week! We’d like to thank all of our Members who took the time to thoughtfully respond to this week’s question. Look out next week for our next installment of Ask A Member, where we’ll be collecting responses to the question, “How do your friends and family who also work out with Peloton help keep you accountable?”

That’s it for this week! We’d like to thank all of our Members who took the time to thoughtfully respond to this week’s question. Look out next week for our next installment of Ask A Member, where we’ll be collecting responses to the question, “How do your friends and family who also work out with Peloton help keep you accountable?"

Not a member? Try Peloton classes free with the App.

New App trials only. Terms apply. Credit card required. After your free trial, Digital Membership is $12.99/mo plus tax. Cancel anytime.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
