This Is What Peloton Milestones Are All About
It’s so much more than just a number.
By Team Peloton•
At Peloton, we believe in celebrating the wins—big and small, from crushing your first-ever Yoga Flow class to reaching your 50th strength workout. Every time you tap into the app and click “start” on a class is an achievement—and the Peloton community won’t ever let you forget to be proud of yourself.
We believe in celebrations so much so that milestones have become an integral part of connecting with your fellow Members, and even your instructors. Every 50 classes you accomplish in a specific discipline, you will be awarded a special badge at the completion of the workout. These are stored in your virtual trophy cabinet on your Peloton profile, which you can view from the mobile app and on the web under Profile > Achievements. There, you’ll get a look at all the badges and milestones you’ve collected so far—and all the ones to set your sights after!
While milestones are highly personal to your own Peloton journey (it’s never a race to the finish), you’ll surely be encouraged to take part in celebrating others’—and they’ll do the same for you. In class, you’ll hear our instructors give “shoutouts” to Members on the live Leaderboard in recognition of their milestones. They might call out your Leaderboard name, and congratulate you on hitting a milestone total of classes in that discipline. When it’s time for you to take your own milestone workout, find a class on the schedule with your favorite instructor and join live for a chance to hear your shoutout! Oh, and you can expect a healthy number of congratulatory high fives thrown your way on the Leaderboard.
For some Members, milestones are incredibly motivating, and seeing that shiny new badge pop up is fuel to keep working towards the next one. For others, each workout is a reward in and of itself, which is an attitude we always encourage. However you get yourself pumped up, our instructors reinforce that habits will beat motivation every time. Keeping your fitness routine consistent is key, and milestones are a beautiful reminder of all the work you’ve put in to get to that point, rather than a finish line. While there will inevitably be ebbs and flows as your Peloton journey progresses, we keep moving forward, together.
Below, take a look at how some of our Members have celebrated their own milestones using the Peloton App. We want to see yours. Tag us on social media with #onepeloton to share those photos and videos!
Pilar A. #PilarOfStrength, US Member
For Pilar, consistency has never been easier than with the Peloton App. “Earlier last year, I decided I was going to get stronger and healthier. I started working out, little by little, and started seeing progress … Since using the Peloton App, I’ve worked out almost every single day since September, and I feel amazing! I never imagined loving to work out as much as I do now. Oh, and I’m officially part of the Century Club! Mid-December I took my 100th strength class, and today is my 131st strength class. A big thanks to my BFF Crystal for letting me join you on this Peloton journey, my partner Kevin for joining me on workouts even though he’d rather watch The Great British Bake Off, and the amazing instructors Jess Sims, Rebecca Kennedy, Andy Speer, Robin Arzón and Selena Samuela who made it so much fun!”

Christoph H. #Chrias, DE Member
Hitting new benchmarks in Peloton Challenges like The Annual are certainly milestones in their own right. Here, Christoph celebrates 1,000 minutes of Peloton workouts! “I didn’t do a ride today as my legs needed a break. But not the arms! Cracked the 1K active minutes mark after 7 weeks of workouts—more than in the last 5 years combined.”

Kerensa P. #kdpalmer, US Member
“I hit 50 strength classes with Peloton today! I started using the Peloton App at the end of March, taking 1-3 classes a week. Now, I'm taking 3 or more classes a day, 5-6x a week. I'm hooked! I sometimes travel for work, like I am currently, and having this app has been so incredibly helpful to not only keep my goals in check but my sanity. I really don't think I'll go back to a gym ever again!”
Kerensa’s endorphins here are courtesy of a 10 minute Glutes & Legs Strength class with Adrian Williams. “Single-leg deadlifts, lateral lunge holds and suitcase squats for 10 minutes straight—no breaks and no putting down the dumbbells … seeeeshhh! Such a great class for the legs and glutes but also for grip strength. Bookmarked this one to take on repeat!”

Denise C, US Member
For Denise, Peloton milestones aren’t just numeric but something she can feel in her body. “I’ll be the first to admit I’m not great at yoga. I am quite inflexible, and my range of motion in my hips/shoulders is nothing to brag about. But, during the summer/current pandemic, I decided to give yoga another try. I used the Peloton App as my guide in my house, on my little purple mat. One hundred fifteen classes later, and I’m hooked. I have improved, but I still have a long way to go—that’s okay. A challenge means less likeliness for boredom, right? Plus, I have less aches/pains and ZERO running-related injuries since I started. In other words, I am glad I tried. I typically do a 20-30 minute class with the amazing instructor Denis Morton.”

Get working towards your milestones today on the Peloton App. Download on the Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore or Roku.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.