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Looking Back to the Start of My Peloton Journey

Looking Back to the Start of My Peloton Journey

Members reflect on their experiences since their first-ever class.

By Lauren Brown West-RosenthalUpdated 9 August 2021


I remember the day my Peloton Bike arrived. After the delivery men left, I sat, unclipped, on the Bike seat and stared blankly at the screen. I had no idea how I’d choose my first ride or instructor, let alone make it through a class. I went upstairs and decided I needed to mentally prepare myself and would start the next day.

But I swear the Bike has a gravitational pull, because it lured me back downstairs not even an hour later. Before this, I had always looked for every excuse not to exercise, from mom duties to work deadlines, so I worried my Peloton Bike would turn into an expensive clothes rack. But as much as my body ached after my first ride, I woke up craving more time on the Bike. Three years and hundreds of rides later, I can’t remember life before Peloton was part of my daily routine. Since starting my Peloton journey, I’ve become more organized, more creative, more productive and the healthiest I’ve ever felt in both my body and mind.

What makes Peloton all the more special is the fact that I’m not alone in this journey. I asked other Members to look back on the start of their Peloton experience and share how far they’ve come since ride one. For some, the Bike has helped with crippling self-doubt; for others, it provided strength they never knew their bodies were capable of. But for all, the journey is filled with amazement over how much they’ve changed, learned and grown since that very first class.

Feeling Stronger Than Ever

“Peloton has completely changed my outlook on fitness and exercise. I’ve tried and stopped exercise routines so many times and could never seem to enjoy anything enough to keep going ... A month into riding, I noticed changes to my body. What is this? MUSCLE? ... Now, I’ve done 345 cycling classes and 233 strength since Jan 22, 2020, but more important than the numbers? I’m actually enjoying fitness for once.”—Cate N.

“When I started out, a 20-minute beginner class felt like a lifetime to get through. Now I take 45-minute classes without hesitation. In fact, I actually prefer 45-minute classes to shorter ones! I also bought the Peloton Bike solely for cycling classes, but I’ve fallen in love with Matty Maggiacomo’s strength classes. I never thought I’d be a person who looks forward to doing core workouts, but he makes them fun!”—Aisling M.

“I never thought I’d be where I’m at today. I thought the Peloton Bike was just a stationary bike. To me, it’s shown me what my best self is like—on and off the Bike. I’ve grown in my workouts insanely. I can now comfortably ride over 100 miles a day, I’m now training for a half marathon, and I’ve gained many friends in this wonderful community.”—Priscilla J.

“As someone who worked out for years before getting my Peloton Bike during quarantine, I have better lung capacity now than I ever did before! It’s absolutely amazed me that when I first started, I could barely finish a 20-minute ride, and now, I can do a 45-minute ride without feeling like I’m going to die. Progress like that happens so slowly that sometimes you don’t even realize it until you look back and realize how far you’ve come! I’ve had rides where I laughed, danced and cried, and the instructors have 100% become a part of my family. ”—Rachel H.

Caring for Mental Health

“After knee and back surgeries and the loss of both parents, I lost all hope and confidence. I decided to order the Peloton Bike as it offered a lower impact workout ... I'm currently in the best shape of my life now—but it's more important than that. I've found myself mentally, physically and emotionally. This community is incredible. Clipping in has been the solution to a lot of things for me. Whether grief sneaks in or my stress rises, a Peloton ride always makes me feel better.”—Stephanie R.

“I’ve learned that making time for myself and putting my mental health above everything isn’t selfish. When I first started my journey and noticed the change to my mental well-being, I felt guilty ... but now I see my progress and feel empowered!”—Myranda T.

“I learned that I liked the feeling of sweating out what is troubling me and taking the time for me—something that working from home with four kids makes more precious—and finding a community that supports my achievements and goals. As a mom, sometimes what we accomplish gets rolled into what we do for our kids and family ... I didn’t know how much I missed having that feeling of something ‘just for me.’ It’s why I keep coming back every day.”—Amanda O.

A Supportive Experience

“I’m a second-grade teacher and mom of twin boys. I started riding in the heart of quarantine. I still remember being brought to tears during one of Robin Arzón’s Together We Ride: Live from Home classes. Hearing her shout out to healthcare workers, essential workers, teachers and more really brought me that feeling of community you find with Peloton ... When I took my 200th ride, that sense of community was ever present ... Getting my first shout out from Cody Rigsby and hearing him say he was proud of me was such a thrill but also a reminder of how proud I am of myself for the hard work I’ve put into my Peloton experience over this past year.”—Alana R.

“When you’re short and new to Peloton, your only competition is yourself. It can be discouraging to see your place on the Leaderboard, but if you focus on yourself and your own growth, it’s inspiring. I use the Leaderboard for community, high fives and to track my girls when we ride together.”—Jen B.

“I’ve learned that Peloton is not a workout, it’s a lifestyle that encourages me to honor myself. I no longer look at exercise as a task or a chore, instead I now choose to move my body in a positive way every day. How I enjoy the platform is on my terms, and the community is made up of the best teammates in the world!”—Christine H.

Ready to continue on your Peloton journey? Count yourself in for a class on the Peloton App!

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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
