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Take Your Favorite Class Tracks Anywhere With Peloton’s New Feature

By PelotonUpdated 30 June 2020


Music is what moves us. Whether you’re powering through an interval on the Bike, charging up a hill on the Tread or navigating your morning commute, music gives you that extra energy to get to where you’re going. With our new Track Love feature, you can now take any song that you loved hearing during class on either the Peloton Bike or Tread and add it to your own custom playlist to use anywhere, on-the-go.

Starting today, you can now save a track you discover in class or within the preview for an on-demand playlist by tapping the heart that appears next to the song title. Didn’t mean to save that song? Simply tap the heart again to remove it from your list. Once you’ve started to add tracks, you can view your full lineup within your Peloton profile. Now, when you log in, you’ll see the brand-new “music” section on the left-hand side. There, you will see the entire list of songs you’ve saved in a playlist titled “My Peloton Music by (username).” You can also reference and get inspiration from other Members who you’re friends with by seeing the playlists they’ve created too.

The best part? You can now take all the songs you’ve loved in class with you no matter where you go. Every song that you add to your Peloton playlist will be synced with either your Apple Music or Spotify profile once the account is connected through your Peloton profile. Note that if you end up removing a song from either your Apple Music or Spotify playlist, it will not be automatically removed from your Peloton playlist saved within your profile.

Ready to start curating your new favorite playlist? Get into a workout and get ready to show some love for those uplifting tracks in your next class.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
