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Member Story: Brian Miller

By PelotonUpdated 30 June 2020


How were you first introduced to Peloton?

I'm a long-time recreational mountain-biker who grew up in the Detroit area, went to college in Kalamazoo and I currently reside in East Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have always been an athlete but it’s been a real struggle to be home with my family and still find time to get to the gym the past few years. This probably sounds like a Peloton commercial, but the moment I heard about live, streamed spin classes I knew I would end up with one of these bikes.

How would you describe how you feel after class?

After class I feel a mix of many things: Endorphins through the roof, exhausted, accomplished, and confident just to name a few. I try to ride in the morning before work, before breakfast and before my day really gets going. That lets me ride that post-workout high through coffee, dropping my girls off at school, and whatever madness awaits when I get to the office.

When you get on your bike what makes you want to "give it all" during class?

The Peloton instructors are awesome. I bought this bike for one reason: to get faster as a mountain biker. It's not always easy to be motivated at or 6:00 in the morning, but the instructors are great at getting you rolling, and the leaderboard is a great motivator for me as well. The playlists are great, especially some of the EDM rides I've taken on-demand, and having a few "tribes" of riders I've met online helps keep me accountable too. I haven't struggled to give it my all nearly as much as I've struggled to take rest days. It's important to take a day off, but I find myself wishing I could get on the bike.

How has Peloton changed your lifestyle?

It has made my mornings so much easier. Before Peloton, doing a 45 or 60-minute spin class meant getting to the gym (which is 15 minutes away) by 5:15 AM, doing my workout, hurrying to shower and then driving back home to help get the kids off to school. Now, I am at home. That is a huge benefit to my morning, and it makes it easier to stay motivated. It also means I can throw in some post-ride stretching without worrying about getting home in time to pack a PB&J for my fifth grader.

Has Peloton helped you through any challenges in your life?

I have been incredibly lucky that my challenges are minimal compared to the inspiring stories I have read about online. The other riders I have met through Peloton are far more inspirational to me than I could ever hope to be to them and I am happy to read about the positive changes in people's lives thanks to better fitness.

Is there something you couldn't do before Peloton that you can now tackle?

I am pretty focused on being a better biker outside on my mountain bike. This year's Iceman Cometh Challenge was my first real measuring point since I bought the bike. The primary reason I bought this bike was to help me get in better shape for rides like this. The race is well known amongst aging weekend-warriors like me as a test of hill-climb sprints with sand, snow, mud, and sleet tucked in for good measure. I made it up every named hill on the course this year for the first time in my fourteen years of racing the event. For me, that was a huge accomplishment and I am extremely thankful for a workout regimen that has enabled me to get it done on the trail.

How is Peloton different than any other workout?

It takes what I loved at the gym (spin-class energy, with lots of people working hard together) and lets me do it at my house. It takes a part of what I love about trail riding and racing (competitive camaraderie) and puts it in my workout room. Unlike spin classes at the gym, I can take the rides-on-demand and hunt down a playlist to fit my mood. The instructors are so incredible too. I have done a mix, depending on what I needed that day, and I could've never gotten the same variety of instruction at my local gym.

If you could describe your Peloton experience in 3 words, what would they be and why?

Sweaty Dad Pedaling, or, Faster Every Day.

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