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Member Story: Debbie & Paul Erickson

By PelotonUpdated 30 June 2020


How would you describe how you feel after class?

Paul: I feel good, but after a Power Zone class, I can feel totally Wilpered - but that’s a good thing! It's how you get stronger! Each of the classes pushes you but in different ways. It depends on what goals Matt or other instructors have in mind for their class.

Debbie: I feel energized and ready to take on whatever life brings my way after a class!

When you get on your bike, what makes you want to "give it all" during class?

Paul: The music selection usually drives me forward. Matt, Denis, and Christine are always so positive and they seem to be able to offer the right words at exactly the right time. They’re always so positive so you can’t help but give it all you’ve got.

Debbie: I feel as if there's is an instructor for everyone. Peloton has done an excellent job in recruiting the best. I can honestly say that I feel like I'm in the studio in New York and Matt is watching my form!

How has Peloton changed your lifestyle?

Staying active with a busy work and home life has always been a struggle until we purchased our bike. It's made it easier and more convenient to exercise on our schedule. Whenever, and for however long we want, we always know we can find exactly what we need by just turning on the bike. With all the on-demand rides, live rides, and the Beyond the Ride classes there's so much to choose from, and it is always so much fun! We both have road bikes but getting changed, getting the gear in the car, driving there and back, it just took so much time away from our goal of staying active. The convenience is a blessing and it helps us be more consistent in our exercise routine.

Has Peloton helped you through any challenges in your life?

Paul: Debbie deals with Multiple Sclerosis after being diagnosed a few years ago. She took up running and cycling as a way to combat MS and to keep her body strong and healthy. The Alabama heat made riding in the summer extremely tough for her. After one particular outdoor ride in the summer, we realized we needed to find something that would work better for her. When it has been a particularly hard day at work all Debbie has to do is get on the bike and the day just melts away. This isn't just a simple piece of gym equipment that sits unused like so many others we've purchased. It is so much more than just a bike, it is an experience like no other. We are a part of a community of like-minded individuals bettering and challenging ourselves together.

Is there something you couldn't do before Peloton that you can now tackle?

Paul: Mentally, yes. Using Power Zone training, I've never realized I could push as hard or as far as I do on the bike. It has really helped me quantify the work I do on my regular road bikes. The data Peloton provides confirms where I'm at in my training and it also shows that I can, and will, do more than I think I'm capable of doing.

Debbie: You know the funny thing, I have become that way too. Perceived effort is just that and sometimes you can convince yourself it is harder than it really is. I always listen to my body but when you have the metrics of the ride at your fingertips I have been able to find what works for me and have made great strides to improve my overall fitness levels. I have more energy and stamina because of Peloton.

How is Peloton different than any other workout?

The convenience, the instructors, and the variety are what sets Peloton apart from any other workout. The instructors make a huge difference! We can’t count how many times Denis and Matt have made us laugh during a ride when all we wanted to do was curse them out. Their active instructions and tips during the ride make it more than just ‘a ride’. To us, they're a personal coach helping us improve our technique to be stronger, faster, safer, and healthier. The live schedule, the on-demand rides, and Beyond the Ride classes make Peloton so much more than just a bike. It’s a complete solution for the body and the mind. Additionally, the scenic rides are awesome! We like to use them as a way to warm up or cool down after a class. We’ve been to a few of the places that have been featured in the scenic rides, and it's nice to relive those wonderful memories but also see new places that we would like to visit.

If you could describe your Peloton experience in 3 words, what would they be and why?

Inspirational - The instructors totally inspire us and help us when we need it most during a ride. That inspiration leads to progress. Stronger heart. Stronger body. Stronger mind.The inspiration also comes from the support groups on social media. PowerZonePack, Denis’ Menaces, Fast Times, and the Official Peloton Rider Page all have stories about those who are making progress every day because of their bike. I see people cranking out massive output numbers or cheering on those who have just started. Each of us has our journey. Our stories are not the same, our results are not the same, and from what we see, even the first-time riders are treated like the rock stars that they are because they are committed to that progress we all seek in our lives!

Motivating - Always positive, encouraging, and fun! The scenic rides take us places we have not seen, the instructors are what get us moving; moving those pedals and pushing our limits. All that work, the’s inspiring! You simply don’t get that at the gym every day but we can feel that from the saddle of our bike.

Convenient - We can fall out of bed, take a great ride and still be on time for work! We cannot emphasize enough about what the instructors bring to Peloton. They are truly an asset! The bike is incredible. It is stout, well-built, and dare we say attractive.

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