Anna Greenberg
Peloton Instructor
When Anna first turned to yoga, she felt a switch turn on inside of her. As she built a deeper connection with her mind and body, she began accomplishing things she never knew possible. Moved to share the transformative properties of the practice with others, Anna dove head first into yoga. Anna has crafted a unique teaching style that uses movement and music to help her Members connect to the same healing properties of yoga that she has experienced over the years. Anna is a prominent teacher trainer, workshop leader and instructor in NYC.
Meet Anna
My classes combine heat building movement with precise, focused instruction for Members to find stability and space in their bodies and minds. Watching Members grow and thrive on the mat and in their lives is what inspires me to teach!
How Do You Motivate?
I aim to inspire people to do their best and let go of the results. Yoga is not a competition or performance, it’s just for you (how great is that?). It’s a tool to strengthen your relationship with yourself.
Outside of Peloton
When I’m not standing on my hands, you can catch me traveling the world whenever, and wherever I can. I enjoy being in nature, hiking, biking and just walking around and taking it all in.
Look for balance but always be willing to fall.
Anna Greenberg